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P226 propane


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Old February 11th, 2006, 18:25   #16
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I personally have been using propane in my P226, it runs fine, but lately, lets call it intuitively, stopped using propane because i felt plastic slide at the end.. is still plastic, so now i'm shopping around for tetra... duster.
p.s. office depot has their own brand and its tetra, the last time i checked appx. 3mo ago
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Old February 12th, 2006, 14:45   #17
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i've heard people say different things about what you need to run a metal slide enough? or do you need to upgrade the internals as well?
Originally Posted by sharlimain
my friend has often said anal lube in the gear box works wonders i dont know the acurisy of it but i would like to find that out btw thats anal lube bought in sex shops
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Old February 12th, 2006, 15:15   #18
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If you upgrade the metal slide, you *should* also upgrade the recoil spring because the heavier metal slide will make blowback performance more sluggish unless the spring is swapped.
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Old February 12th, 2006, 15:53   #19
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Might also find that an upgraded recoil spring in a stock GBB will absorb more of the rearward force of the "kickback", reducing the rearward wear on the slide, but will make the slide ram into battery faster. I have a stock KSC G19 that the only upgrade (ok, I installed a threaded outer barrel on it yesterday) is the used Guarder enhanced recoil spring from my upgraded G19 (put a fresh on in), and it cycles real fast now. Something to consider, not saying it is proven to work on stock guns and keep them safe from propane, just a heads up on a cheap add on you can do to dampen the extra power.
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Old April 13th, 2006, 18:44   #20
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Talking KJ Sig Sauer P226

I just got a KJ Sig Sauer P226. It takes the 134a duster gas. What exactly is that? Is it normal computer air duster for blowing out computers. If not does anyone know where i could get it in Winnipeg, Manitoba.
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Old April 13th, 2006, 18:46   #21
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Sorry, did not read the posts.
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Old April 13th, 2006, 19:04   #22
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Originally Posted by Vener38
I just got a KJ Sig Sauer P226. It takes the 134a duster gas. What exactly is that? Is it normal computer air duster for blowing out computers. If not does anyone know where i could get it in Winnipeg, Manitoba.
Run it on Propane. That's what it is meant for.
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Old April 13th, 2006, 19:36   #23
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Originally Posted by thorvald
Originally Posted by wiseowl
After about 6 months I finally broke on remaining internal stock piece which is made out of plastic, the valve stopper due to the impact. They make a metal version of it but every retailer/supplier is sold out of it.
Which make was that valve stopper? I can't seem to find a listing anywhere.

There is one made by Hidakaya for the G26 and the M92F however. The G26 one looks very close to the P226.

Didn't Illusion find out that all internals of the P226 are compatible with the Hi-Capa 5.1? Can't remember now.

I'm actually waiting for a metal part #53.
Sorry did not see this till now, but it is the G26 part, they are identical.
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Old July 29th, 2007, 03:49   #24
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After running my TM P226 with duster for a year, I finally switched to propane today. I can tell you that I'll be forgetting everything about duster really quick because propane is soo much better. When using duster, I would warm up the mag holding it in my hand for better performance. With propane, blowback is obviously much stronger and the BB's can penetrate a pop can easily. I'd be scared to warm the mag up and risk breaking the gun. I have to check what kind of velocity I'm getting now. With a warm mag of duster I could get approximately 240 fps.

I'm running the gun stock...keeping my fingers crossed that it doesn't break too soon. I guess it doesn't really matter since I plan on doing a full metal upgrade eventually.

I bought AI's latest propane adaptor (version 5). It's a well made molded plastic piece and really simple to use. No assembly required and comes with instructions how to use it and how to check if the propane bottles are ok before purchasing using the supplied gauging tool. Thumbs up to AI on a well made product.

The only bad thing I can say about propane so far is the smell. Gives me a headache.
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Old July 29th, 2007, 04:11   #25
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Has anyone broken a stock plastic P226 slide on propane yet? I can't think of any broken TMP226 slides yet. Come to think of it, I'm not sure I can think of any broken slides on recent build TM GBBs.

I ran a Hicapa exclusively on propane for quite some time before upgrading the slide. I know of a few other Hicapas which never got a metal slide and are still trucking away on propane. Same with the 226.
Want nearly free GBB gas?

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Old July 29th, 2007, 06:59   #26
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I have two TM P226's. One's metal, ones plastic. The sad thing is that the metal ones the one with the cracked slide lol.

The stock plastic one has exclusively been used with a AI propane adapter for like two years now? No cracks what so ever.
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Old July 29th, 2007, 09:30   #27
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buy full metal.


nick if i was you i would really think of buying a kjw instead of the tm. It's full metal and the reviews are pretty good about this gun. Oh also,
the internals on this gun are about the same. Go see the reviews on this gun it's pretty good.

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Old July 29th, 2007, 11:51   #28
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Bought a TM P226 used from Kos-Mos. He used it on Propane and I've been using it on propane and the baby is still going on very well. Only upgrade I put on it was a metal outer barrel.

I've been doing some comparisons with my handguns and here are my results.

First I have the following:
KJW M9 full metal
KJW Glock 23 metal slide
TM P226 full plastic except outer barrel
WA WC Vreaker 12 plastic except outer barrel and chamber

The feeding in the magazines:
There is almost no space in between the BBs in the P226 where there is some space in between the Glock and alot of space in between the M9. I did not count the V12 since it's a single stack.
The plastic on top of the Glock has some flash and appears cheaper than the P226.

The cycle:
The M9 cycles slowly
The Glock 23 cycles ok but it sometimes jams
The P226 always cycle ok
The Vreaker 12 always cycle ok

The safety on the M9 is not reliable at all
The safety on the glock is fully reliable
There is no safety on the P226
The safety on the Vreaker 12 is fully reliable

The M9 wasn't too powerful and couldn't pierce much
The glock wasn't too powerful and couldn't pierce much
The P226 was pretty powerful and impressive
The Vreaker 12 was quite powerful

I wouldn't bring the M9 on the field for the magazines empty themselves quite fast.
I wouldn't bring the Glock on the field for it has jammed on me before.
I would definitely bring the P226 with me on the field for it has never jammed and I can empty my BBs before the gas.
I would definitely bring the Vreaker 12 with me on the field for it has never jammed and it is quite powerful and the gas doesn't empty too quickly

The M9 doesn't have a very strong blowback, the gun feels tired overall.
The glock has an ok blowback
The P226 has an ok blowback
The Vreaker 12 has a strong blowback

Look and feel:
The M9's metal appears like it's cheap pot metal that could break easily.
The Glock's look and feel is quite realistic
The P226 looks awesome but feels like plastic
The Vreaker 12 looks awesome and you can mistake yourself if it's plastic or metal.

Western Arms WC Vreaker 12: 9/10
Tokyo Marui Sig Sauer P226: 8/10
KJ Works Glock 23: 5/10
KJ Works Beretta M9: 4/10

I am not looking to buy another KJW. I currently have two, one of them being upgraded (the glock) and they both managed to deceive me at more than one point. The KJW guns are good guns but that is up until you hold a Tokyo Marui or a Western Arms.
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Old July 29th, 2007, 15:46   #29
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Originally Posted by MadMax View Post
Has anyone broken a stock plastic P226 slide on propane yet? I can't think of any broken TMP226 slides yet. Come to think of it, I'm not sure I can think of any broken slides on recent build TM GBBs.

I ran a Hicapa exclusively on propane for quite some time before upgrading the slide. I know of a few other Hicapas which never got a metal slide and are still trucking away on propane. Same with the 226.
TM guns have my respect. I too never heard of the recent build GBBs break from propane. heck, even the older build GBBs, the M9 tactical Master, & the desert eagle hardkick that i use are still not showing signs of wear from regular propane use. Even the old old TM G26 only showed some cases of the slide breaking from propane use.

as a matter of fact, the KSC G19 rarely, rarely breaks from regular propane usage.
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Old July 29th, 2007, 17:15   #30
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buy what you want.


The internals are the same and the frame and all parts are metal except for the hand grip. Look at the reel reviews done by real airsofters they all come to one conclusion the kjw is a better bang for the buck anything else is just matter of personnal opinion.
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