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SR-16 & non RIS M203


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Old February 28th, 2006, 20:31   #1
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SR-16 & non RIS M203

Hey guys,
I've got an SR-16 (RIS obviously) and a non-RIS G&P short M203 grenade launcher. I've heard of people moding to make this work. Any tips would be greatly appreciated. Thanks! Regan :salute:
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Old February 28th, 2006, 23:32   #2
v82slo's Avatar
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Don't know if the same is true for the SR-16 but I was able to get a non-RIS M203 onto my M4-S (RIS) by removing the bottom RIS cover. Just leave it off and see if the M203 will mount as it normally does (or better yet see if you can mount the M203 and then add the top RIS).

Image of M203 + M4-SIR setup -->
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Old March 1st, 2006, 02:55   #3
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Ok, well here is the answer to my own question:

About 2 hours of carefully fitting and cutting metal with a Dremel and the non-RIS grenade launcher is now perfectly in place. There is no way in hell that the launcher would have fit without significant pieces of metal being cut out of the SR-16. I cut nothing on the M203 itself. All the modifications were done to the rifle. The rear RIS screw plugs were cut out of the RIS, two metal wings nearby (at the back) were cut out, as was the rear lip of the RIS. The collar was a bit stubborn, but with some fitting it made its way around the rear of the launcher collar. The two front RIS screws are all that is needed to hold the RIS in place.

A perfect fit....although I was freaking out during the operation. No one wants to ruin their AEG through experimentation.
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Old March 1st, 2006, 04:35   #4
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I want pictures Sounds like it must look pretty slick.
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Old March 1st, 2006, 07:34   #5
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Hmm, depends on whic type of M203 launcher you had. If end of it has the notches in it (to slide into the chamber block fins) there there is no way you needed to modify it. If there we NO notches cut out of the M203, then you would have had to do some work to it.

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Old March 1st, 2006, 11:15   #6
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Hey look! v82slo and I have the same kind of flooring. Thanks for your response earlier, by the way. It encouraged me to try.

It's funny. I rent out a room to an accountant friend. It seems that every day he walks through the front door, he finds me sitting at the kitchen table with a rifle & welding mask or cutting metal (sparks flying everywhere). I can only image what's going through his head.

I have the G&P short, jungle, non-RIS launcher and a standard SR-16. The M203 did not have notches for the chamber fins. I definitely took my time, making sure that I didn't cut anything I didn't have to. I wish I had taken pictures a long the way to help out anyone else stumbling onto this thread in the future. But it's together now and I used locktite on the front two remaining RIS screws, so I'm not rushing to disassemble it for pictures. All I can tell you is that it's not really a big deal and it is completely doable. Here is a pic of the finished project:

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Old March 1st, 2006, 11:30   #7
Coma Black
I like the custom electical tape grip.

And the rest is decent, I suppose. ;-)
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Old March 1st, 2006, 11:33   #8
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Thumbs up

Hey Regan, I have a TM SR-16 and I bought the Classic Army m203 launcher non R.I.S. version. If you have access to a machine shop, you can make a custom part for your gun. Here a plan I made for my custom part, easy to do in aluminium alloy. Its just a quick sketch but overall measures are good.

I have mine and its works great!

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Old March 1st, 2006, 11:41   #9
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Thanks for the info Jonmarshall. I got it working.

Originally Posted by Coma Black
I like the custom electical tape grip.

And the rest is decent, I suppose. ;-)
Ya Baby! I don't care. I'll take the comfort of $1 foam tape over uncomfortable and marginally cooler looking any day. :fro:
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Old March 1st, 2006, 11:49   #10
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np, maybe it will help someone else later!
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Old March 1st, 2006, 12:41   #11
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I dig, looks slick man.
Ubique Quo Fas et Gloria Ducunt

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Old March 1st, 2006, 21:33   #12
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Looks like you did a good job from what I could see on the pic, but one issue may arise:

What happens when you want to ditch the M203 because your in a sim and your sick of packing around a 10 pound gun + shells and it's 30 degrees outside and you've been walking for 8 hours. How easy is that launcher to remove, in the field with no tools and maybe limited time?

I've been there and done that and I'll tell you it's no fun. First item of significant weight to get dumped is a launcher that only has 30 feet of usable range anyway.

I didn't mean to poop on your thread here, just stating the obvious. If you have a gun with a rail system, get a launcher made for a rail. Saves lots of grief and they're usually the same money and just as readily available.
Age verifier Northern Alberta

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Freedom is the wolves limping away while the sheep reloads.

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Old March 1st, 2006, 21:41   #13
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Yes, that is very true. I ussually have another AEG not to far away. But I guess I'll just have to pick the right AEG for the right mission.

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Old March 1st, 2006, 21:48   #14
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Nice selection dude.
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Old March 2nd, 2006, 20:11   #15
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Originally Posted by mcguyver
Looks like you did a good job from what I could see on the pic, but one issue may arise:

What happens when you want to ditch the M203 because your in a sim and your sick of packing around a 10 pound gun + shells and it's 30 degrees outside and you've been walking for 8 hours. How easy is that launcher to remove, in the field with no tools and maybe limited time?

I've been there and done that and I'll tell you it's no fun. First item of significant weight to get dumped is a launcher that only has 30 feet of usable range anyway.

I didn't mean to poop on your thread here, just stating the obvious. If you have a gun with a rail system, get a launcher made for a rail. Saves lots of grief and they're usually the same money and just as readily available.

Two tidbits of information:
Regan doesn't walk for 8 hours straight, he waits for you to come to him. And when it is 30 degrees outside he hides in a tree, and blasts unsuspecting idiots (like me) with that launcher. You would never believe a 300lbs guy can stay hiddin 15 feet up a tree until he rains 300 bbs down on your skull!!!
Nothing beats a WELL P90!
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