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flying within canada



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Old June 2nd, 2006, 08:49   #1
Join Date: Jun 2006
Location: Edmonton
flying within canada

Since there isn't any airsoft shop in Edmonton, I would need to order it on the net. However, I'll be in Vancouver next week for two days, so I'm thinking about buying in Vancouver...

The question is would they allow it in the luguage if flying from Vancouver to Edmonton... I think some people say it's okay if you put it in a case, but I'm just going to leave it in its original box. I definitely don't want them opening and going through my stuff.
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Old June 2nd, 2006, 09:17   #2
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its all in the FAQ
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Old June 2nd, 2006, 09:22   #3
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Old June 2nd, 2006, 11:50   #4
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Putting it in your case will cause issues. You can immagine what happens when they xray your luggage and see the gun there (just because it's plastic doesn't mean it won't show up). You need to have it in a LOCKED GUN CASE and declare it as if it were a real gun.

Security for the air ports are less friendly then an annoyed customs agent working forced overtime.
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Old June 2nd, 2006, 12:28   #5
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If you are flying with WestJet out of Vancouver, some of their staff are familiar with Airsoft. what they need you to do is declare it, and they will have you fill out and sign a FireArms Declaration Document, state on it that it is:

Airsoft (6mm Paintball)

Ensure you do have it in a case that is lockable and locked (either gun case, or if your suitcase is large enough to hold the original case lock it). Also your battery and BB's should be in a second piece of luggage (checked).

They will then have you take it to the special baggage section, where a security officer will preinspect it to make sure it cannot fire real bullets. Make sure you explain to him before opening the box what it is.

I've travelled several times with my Airsoft guns in my luggage, as long as you follow the rules its all okay.

If you want to make sure you do not have any issues though, as it has already been stated ship it on the bus before you go back home. Although Will at Specarms in Vancouver, has pretty fair shipping rates.

If your knowledge on airsoft and the legalities of it are minor or partial, I'd ship it. Because if you catch a security guard on their off day and they panic, they can call the RCMP, which could result in you missing your flight. Nice thing is some of the RCMP who cover the airport are Airsofters. But dont count on it to work for you if your unsure in any way.
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Old June 2nd, 2006, 19:38   #6
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Christ, I remember a few years ago my uncle gave me a .22 and all there was to it was to give it to the airline before boarding, they'd wrap it in plastic or something, and throw it in the cargo hold. (sadly my mother intercepted the pass-off, and we went to the nearest pawn-shop, instead)
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