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TM M16VN - Electric Problem


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Old July 31st, 2006, 00:42   #1
randas's Avatar
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TM M16VN - Electric Problem

Ok here's the problem. My TM M16VN was acting strange, there would be delay when pulling the trigger before it fired, and it seemed to be having troubble cranking. Then it died completley. (not a battery problem) So I removed the motor and battery and connected them directley, motor spun fine, so the motor is good. Then I reconected the battery to the gun, and reconnected the motor to the wires, but left it (the motor) hanging out. Pulling the trigger dose not turn the motor, so the metch box is not jamed. I guess this a electric/wireing problem?

Any ideas?

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Old July 31st, 2006, 01:46   #2
mcguyver's Avatar
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The problem may lie with your switch. I've seen a few guns cross my bench, both stock and upgraded, where fouling of the switch contacts has occured. This is usually from lubricants in the mechbox becoming deposite on the switch contacts.

During firing, the switch is closed when you pull the trigger. All the current necessary to run the gun passes through the switch. This current will heat up the deposits on the contacts and cause arcing across the contacts. Repeated arcing can form a black slag of oxidized metal and deposits and can have enough resistance to impede current flow. The fix is to remove any deposits and file down the burnt contacts until the are smooth and clean.

There are also contacts at the selector between the switch and the selector plate. During press fitting of the contact plate on the selector at the factory, small burrs of plastic can be left on the selector plate. These have been known to push the lower switch contact arm out of the way when the selector is moved to semi or full auto. This will also break the circuit and lead to a no-fire situation. Removal of the burrs off the selector will solve this problem. I have only seen this on Marui guns.
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Old July 31st, 2006, 09:59   #3
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May also be a burned fuse by now.
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Old July 31st, 2006, 19:41   #4
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mcguyver was right, the switch contacts were all gunged up. I cleaned them off slowly with a dremel wire weel, and it seems to be good now.

But, I hooked up the battery and the motor with everything still apart to make sure that it worked and when set to semi the motor runs as long as the trigger is held down, is this normal? Shouldn't it just spin for a second?

Also, I dont think I got it put back together properly. Details:
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Old July 31st, 2006, 20:23   #5
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Originally Posted by randas
mcguyver was right, the switch contacts were all gunged up. I cleaned them off slowly with a dremel wire weel, and it seems to be good now.

But, I hooked up the battery and the motor with everything still apart to make sure that it worked and when set to semi the motor runs as long as the trigger is held down, is this normal? Shouldn't it just spin for a second?

Also, I dont think I got it put back together properly. Details:
thats normal for the motor to spin.

Once you have the motor in the gun it will cycle once and the cutoff lever in the gearbox will shut off the power to the motor.
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