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Prototype grenade finnished



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Old September 13th, 2006, 18:28   #1
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Prototype grenade finnished

ITS ALIVE! Yes! i have finnished a prototype reuseable grenade! the design is fairly simple, using a Co2 cartridge and some pipes. i will post pictures soon

the features of this grenade include:

-minimum 180 degree blast radius
-totally reuseable
-can be packed with anything (including liquids or semi liquids, even dogshit
-shaped like a pipe bomb
-flexable and on-the-fly settable timing device (2-7 sec)
-extremely sturdy construction
-can be painted easily for quick pickup
-should be fairly low cost to make multiple ones


-its impossible to get 360 degree blast
-not huge but not small either (yet)
-weight could be a factor if carrying too many

-in its prototype stage at the moment, it could hurt someone if hit in head or balls. i am working on finishing it off with all plastic except for the copper sheath that will be on the outside, fortunatly the copper is the thinest gauge you can get for its diameter. so its not bad at all.

-protection against accidental explosion is still on drawing board but is definitly in the plans

-timing device (rubber end cap) will need precise testing to accurately gauge
"poptime" currently i have only been able to get 4 seconds from the cap, however once zong tightened it on REALLY tight and it didnt even "pop" at all. so i know ill be able to get a fully flexable timer thru more testing.

-for now Co2 is my best chance but eventually i want to be able to pump it with a bike pump to cut the cost of use.

-police dont seem to like my idea very much. i have been advised to keep it at the games only and car travel is a bit of a grey area.

pictures are to come as soon as i find my camera batteries

any constructive criticism is welcome
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Old September 13th, 2006, 18:40   #2
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Video would be nice. I'm not saying I doubt what you've done, but until we've handled/seen it in person (or in video), the constructive criticism is not going to be very constructive, I'm afraid.
Originally Posted by TokyoSeven View Post
That was a very bad move on your behalf. Sort of like cutting off your foot for money, but not getting the money first and then letting the person with the money run away.
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Old September 13th, 2006, 18:44   #3
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There are airsoft grenades out on the market, the new pfi one looks decent. And madbull is working on a one time use low cost grenade. Neither of those grenades will put someone in the hospital if they hit someone in the head. Your grenades dont sound safe at all, sorry, but they dont. If someone gets hit by one, judging from your discription of the grenade, they would probably be seriously hurt. Not to mention, 'shaped like a pipe bomb', that could cause some serious problems... And finally, sounds like you're having the same problem that seems to plauge the escort hand grenades, aka, an unreliable timer. All in all, yours is not a bad idea, but as a throwable hand grenade, not safe, as a mine or bomb simulator though, good idea.

Really, I just prefer to wait for the safe, cheap madbull disposable ones.

EDIT: Why not try redoing them as claymores? We could use a realitivly cheap, but effective claymore. The most effective claymores are so expensive that you cant afford to get more then one or two, and the cheaper ones have limited range and dont give you that nice "POP" that you get with gas.
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Old September 13th, 2006, 18:47   #4
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lol nice to see im not the only idiot trying to make a grenade. cept mine is based on this spanish doods hand greade know as the AH-01. All in all ur's sounds very impressive mine is basically in a single use lemmon juice container.
Ed :-D
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Old September 13th, 2006, 18:54   #5
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Originally Posted by redhawk_six
the new pfi one looks decent.
The PFI ones are terrible, don't waste your time with them.

Post some pics or a video and people will be able to give you (actual) feedback. Always cool to see guys trying new things, whether they work out in the end or not.
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Old September 13th, 2006, 19:00   #6
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how bad are the PFI one's? i jus ordered one frum WGC
Ed :-D
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Old September 13th, 2006, 19:04   #7
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The one we tested was a complete waste of money (a free demo, but nonetheless). It barely acts as a grenade, doesn't fire any pellets (unless you consider 3 pellets "grenade worthy"), abd it broke completely after about 15 uses - never mind that each use is a high risk of losing critical parts (it literally explodes). It looks cool and it sounds nice, but it doesn't do anything but make a noise and scatter a teaspoon of babypowder.
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Old September 13th, 2006, 19:26   #8
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if you could rig your 'nade into a claymore style of thing I think it would be a bit better.
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Old September 13th, 2006, 20:07   #9
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Originally Posted by redhawk_six
Your grenades dont sound safe at all, sorry, but they dont. If someone gets hit by one, judging from your discription of the grenade, they would probably be seriously hurt. Not to mention, 'shaped like a pipe bomb', that could cause some serious problems...

EDIT: Why not try redoing them as claymores? We could use a realitivly cheap, but effective claymore. The most effective claymores are so expensive that you cant afford to get more then one or two, and the cheaper ones have limited range and dont give you that nice "POP" that you get with gas.
safety will be key on the final version, replacing the last metal parts with plastic is a must. the only parts im having problems with is the copper sliding shell that will deflect the pellet mix. but it can be purchaced with a thin gauge so it is actually light. there is only one external part that must remain metal and that is the wingnut on the pressure cap. i can however put hockey tape on it for now. that should stop any injury. after that its no more physically damaging than getting hit with a plastic tube filled with powder.

as for the pipe bomb look i cant much help that. but having any replica weapon wheather its a sword gun grenade or "replica home made pipe bomb" will usually get you in an equal ammount of trouble if u act like a prick.

as for the claymore thing i totally agree and that will come with time. i also want to make Co2 powered mines u step on. but 1 thing at a time for now.
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Old September 13th, 2006, 20:44   #10
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Sounds like it will still be too heavy/hard. You'll need at least some metal parts to handle the pressure of the gas, over the long term, plastic wont cut it. And the weight of the CO2 cartridge alone is too much. PVC piping is pretty much the only easy to obtain, cheap to use plastic that i can think of that will handle the pressure of CO2, and it's too heavy and solid to be safe to throw at someone. Even a single pound of weight is too much to safely throw in someones direction. This is why madbull decided against using a gas to power their hand grenade design. Any gas system will be either too heavy, or wont last in the long term.

Hockey tape wont provide protection from injury either.

You need to consider the amount of force someone is likely to throw it with in the 'heat' of battle. A plastic pipe full of powder to the head could still easily cause damage.
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Old September 13th, 2006, 21:25   #11
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keep up the work Vice! yeah some pics or vids would be nice.

the quest to make a legal perfect pyrotechnic BB gernade never ends...

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Old September 13th, 2006, 22:26   #12
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Originally Posted by redhawk_six
Sounds like it will still be too heavy/hard. You'll need at least some metal parts to handle the pressure of the gas, over the long term, plastic wont cut it. And the weight of the CO2 cartridge alone is too much. PVC piping is pretty much the only easy to obtain, cheap to use plastic that i can think of that will handle the pressure of CO2, and it's too heavy and solid to be safe to throw at someone. Even a single pound of weight is too much to safely throw in someones direction. This is why madbull decided against using a gas to power their hand grenade design. Any gas system will be either too heavy, or wont last in the long term.

Hockey tape wont provide protection from injury either.

You need to consider the amount of force someone is likely to throw it with in the 'heat' of battle. A plastic pipe full of powder to the head could still easily cause damage.

the hockey tape is just for testing purposes. i do agree that weight is a factor. and yes there is some metal on the inside (a washer and small copper tube that houses the Co2. also a puncture pin. the prototype is about the size of an areisol can but im sure i will be able to miniatureize future versions.
this should cut down on weight. the size of the claymore wont change as it is just right and it will speed up development to have it more than half made. it would be nice to have a limit to work within as far as weight goes. what is the maximum weight you would suggest for something such as this. keeping in mind propper use of this grenade is to be lobbed, not directly fastballed at someone. any grenade aside from the cork ones will break your face if whailed in the heat of battle. while this may eventually happen it would not be propper use under the instructions. thus limmiting liability and placing all ownace on the users head.

pvc will barely hold the Co2 pressure u need to use black ABS pipe.

i think there has got to be a compromisible weight that everybody should agree on. i am not too concerned with making a crappy ass joke grenade but i do want to keep playability in mind. the nerf look just doesnt do much for me.
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Old September 13th, 2006, 23:06   #13
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Vice, gimme a call this weekend. I wanna come check it out. It's Jon if you didn't know my ASC handle.
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Old September 14th, 2006, 06:35   #14
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well if it's a large-ish, pipe-shaped airsoft "explosive", you could always excuse it as A) a Demolition charge (for clearing those nasty bunkers, just roll one in and let the fun begin), or Similarly B) an White Phosphorous grenade (, which has also been known to be used for bunker clearing, as well as signaling. Or:

Either way, it sounds like it'd be better to use as a "roll into a tight space to eliminate everything inside" weapon, instead of a "throw as far as you can and possibly hit somone in the head with" weapon. That eliminates the saftey risk greatly (unless you stub your toe on it ) and still makes it usefull
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Old September 14th, 2006, 08:26   #15
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Originally Posted by Talraga
well if it's a large-ish, pipe-shaped airsoft "explosive", you could always excuse it as A) a Demolition charge (for clearing those nasty bunkers, just roll one in and let the fun begin), or Similarly B) an White Phosphorous grenade (, which has also been known to be used for bunker clearing, as well as signaling. Or:

Either way, it sounds like it'd be better to use as a "roll into a tight space to eliminate everything inside" weapon, instead of a "throw as far as you can and possibly hit somone in the head with" weapon. That eliminates the saftey risk greatly (unless you stub your toe on it ) and still makes it usefull
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