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Review Request - CA AK-47 70 Round Magazine



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Old September 26th, 2006, 00:11   #1
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Review Request - CA AK-47 70 Round Magazine

My apologies if this has already been made, I did a few searches in the various sub-forums but couldn't find anything about this.

I'd like some feedback on these new mags from CA. From outward appearances they seem to be TM clones, but what I would really like to know is if they will stand up as well as TM mags do.

I am a bit skeptical since they are $20 cheaper ... that money had to have been cut from something, I am hoping it was profit to the company :-D

If possible, I'd like to know how the fit is with the various AK models (TM, CA, ICS), but mainly just interested in it's fit with the ICS AK-74M. Currently have an aging supply of TM mags and am looking into some new stock. I want mags that are rugged and reliable, I've tried STAR AK-74 type real caps ... they don't feed too well and feel as if they will break too easily. In fact, just at the last game I played I had a rather quick descent to the ground while under fire, consequently knocking the wind out of me due to all 8 of my mags smashing against my rib cage ("prone diving" hurts by the way ...). I don't think plastic mags would be able to stand up to this kind of punishment repeatedly, and I'm surely going to be doing this again.

I would really appreaciate any sort of review of this mag, and if it turns out no one has actually bought and used any, I guess I'll be the test subject.
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Old September 26th, 2006, 00:23   #2
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Here's the review I did on the AK-74M. I used the CA 47 lows as well as Marui lows and Star 30 rnd. I did some play with it on the ferry in Mission, B.C. in March, with no gripes about fit, or feeding from any of those mags. At that time, I had 9 Marui, 2 CA, 10 Star and the 2 hi-caps that came with the gun.

I no longer have those mags or that gun, so I can't really update my info there.
Age verifier Northern Alberta

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Old September 26th, 2006, 00:44   #3
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We find all the CA locap mags feed perfectly fine.

The major price difference at ASCA is that we go direct to manufacturer, rather than through a series of resellers for TM mags (wholesales in Japan, reseller in Hong Kong - everyone has their finger in the pie because TM is difficult to deal with directly).

It's entirely possible we will stop carrying large numbers of TM mags at ASCA, because the CA ones perform perfectly fine (and are basically indistinguishable, except for the armalite mags, which are grey in colour, rather than black for TM).
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Old September 26th, 2006, 00:44   #4
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Ah, yes, i remember that now, one of the reviews that pushed me towards getting the ICS AK in the first place 8)

You might not remember still, but did you notice any difference in construction quality of the CA mags, were they lighter, different metal, did they flex at all, or in any other way feel less sturdy than the TM mags? One last thing, when you sold/traded/got rid of your CA mags, were they in good condition, did you use them a lot, how did they hold up?

Sorry for all the questions, just trying to avoid spending another $400 + on magazines if possible, heh.
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Old September 26th, 2006, 00:48   #5
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You won't be the first to try, we have already sold a few dozen through the store, and noone has reported any problems with them. As well, we've used several (M4, MP5 and AK) in the shop for testing with no problems.
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Old September 26th, 2006, 01:02   #6
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Well, thats good news. The $20 "discount" will be very helpful when laying down a hefty sum for my new mags. Although, I have to admit I'm still holding out for some high quality AK-74 style mags ...

Thanks for all the information! 8)
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Old September 26th, 2006, 01:25   #7
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Originally Posted by beta
Ah, yes, i remember that now, one of the reviews that pushed me towards getting the ICS AK in the first place 8)

You might not remember still, but did you notice any difference in construction quality of the CA mags, were they lighter, different metal, did they flex at all, or in any other way feel less sturdy than the TM mags? One last thing, when you sold/traded/got rid of your CA mags, were they in good condition, did you use them a lot, how did they hold up?

Sorry for all the questions, just trying to avoid spending another $400 + on magazines if possible, heh.
The Marui mags were a shiny, black finish vs. the CA were a matte grey finish. Other than that, performance was the same, build quality was the same, fit was the same.

Funny thing was, at the time of the review, I had a Marui AK-47, a CA SLR105A1 and the ICS AK. The mags all fit best in the ICS gun, even the CA hicap and all the lows. I never had a single issue with fit or feeding.

Both Marui and CA mags showed wear, paint scratches and dings from use. Neither was impervious to that.
Age verifier Northern Alberta

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Old October 2nd, 2006, 14:48   #8
Join Date: Jun 2006
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I found that the CA AK 70 rd locaps did not fit properly in my CA AKslr there seems to be alot of side to side movement.Is this because I should have used AK74 mags instead?
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