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Question: Want to get into Airsoft but not really...



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Old September 29th, 2006, 00:31   #1
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Question: Want to get into Airsoft but not really...

Well here is my noob question, which may or maynot turn into trash really quickly.

I want to get an airsoft gun, but I am not really into playing the airsoft sport(no time really). I guess I want these the same reason why people would buy models. They make for interesting display piece in a wierd sort of way. For my need the thing doesn't really need to shoot anything as long as it looks half decent, and airsoft is probably the closest in appearance to the real thing. I did a bit of surfing the net and found that prices for the AEG rifles and SMGs are quite expensive, and the springer are cheaper, and for my purpose their lack of real "firepower" is not my concern. But knowing the trouble of US goods into Canada this limits my option. And most Canadian retailer such as ASC does not carry those springer SMG/rifles. While owning an Tokyo Marui SIG 552 or something is an mouth watering aspect, for my purpose they not only break the bank they are a waste for my need. So am I SOL or what?(maybe something along the line of a BOY series TM that I read about?)

An aside question, back maybe 10-12 years ago I used to own a 44 magnum gas powered Airsoft gun(when I was in Taiwan), these days I haven't seen much gas powered revolvers anymore. Any particular reason for that?
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Old September 29th, 2006, 00:48   #2
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Not gonna touch your first Q, but for the revolvers... there still are some around. Tanaka and Marushin both have a pretty good line, and TM and other companies also have a few.

Generally speaking, for "players" they aren't popular options because they're neither used much by modern armies (so people don't use them to complete impressions) nor very practical, compared to magazine fed automatics.

I personally own one, which I find uniquely cool in that the 8mm BBs sit big 44mag-like shells, so it's generally realistic in terms of loading... but despite the high power and accuracy of it, 6 rounds shot in single action just doesn't cut it "in combat." I'd take my 1911 any day for that.
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Old September 29th, 2006, 00:58   #3
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Unfortunately dude these guns are expensive. For your needs I'd say get verified on this site and buy just parts and put it together your self. It might be cheaper in the long run. Thik about it... if you just want the look the all you need's the shell. The boys line is a smaller version of the original made to fit kids hence the name BOYS.

Hope this helped

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Old September 29th, 2006, 07:10   #4
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One problem about using them for display. If by any chance they are seen from outside, or by a visitor/janitor/whatever when you are not home to explain it's a toy... you can get into really hard explanations in a hurry.

Police responding to a call of "This guy has an assault rifle on his wall!" tend to be a bit short tempered.

The costs? They are expensive, even the springers. Not much getting around that. Importing? I think you figured that one out already, it's 'no'.
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Old September 29th, 2006, 07:48   #5
Bravo One-Six
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My suggestion is probably the most reasonable for what you're looking to do.

Get verified by a local rep, or by showing up to a game (the game would be a nice idea as you'd get to look at what you want to collect).

Once you've got that, you can access the classified sections on here and just buy a non functioning gun. It will cost much less and since you're not worried about performance, it's really the best option.

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Old September 29th, 2006, 10:29   #6
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Did someone say revolvers?
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Old September 29th, 2006, 11:50   #7
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Thanks for the replies, I'll probably pay the Mississauga rep a visit in the next few guys have been very helpful.

And yes, loading the BBs in the mock bullet in the revolver was the most memorable part for that 44 was damaged when I moved here and that was a shame....
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Old September 29th, 2006, 14:12   #8
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I think user Sniperbay may have a non-working MP5 for sale....or so says his profile.
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Old September 29th, 2006, 16:00   #9
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I looked up the Sniperbay's profile and checked out the background of his listed YE MP5...sounds like exactly what I would be looking for. Authentic looking piece and even if it doesn't work it should be an interesting display piece if it is in good shape....
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Old September 30th, 2006, 14:06   #10
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BTW, how long usually is the wait from meeting a age rep to getting actually verified on the forum? The anticipation is killing me..... :mrgreen:
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Old September 30th, 2006, 14:07   #11
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It just took me about 2-3 days for mcguyver to verify me.
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