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Old February 17th, 2007, 00:19   #1
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BB Path Not Right

Hi there. My GBB G17 seems to be firing BB's off to the left. Any suggestions?

*Edit*: Hmm...perhaps in the wrong section...

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Old February 17th, 2007, 00:35   #2
Grim Fandango
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You should post this in the doctors section. However try adjusting the GBBs hopup unit.
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Old February 17th, 2007, 10:53   #3
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How much to the left? My G19s tend to shoot to the left or right a bit, like a couple inches at 30ft. I either slide my rear sight to the right, or leave it as it is. Heavier ammo really helps too, I prefer 0.30g in mine, often go higher. 0.25g are ok, but anything lower really sucks.

A few things you can do, take out your inner barrel and wrap some electrical tape around tightly it behind where the O-ring is. Build it up so it's slightly thicker than the O-ring. Put it back in and give it a try. Glock GBBs have really bad inner barrel wobble and by securing the inner barrel better, your accuracy and consistancy will improve about 10x better than just installing a tightbore.

And, ever thought that maybe the gun shoots fine and it's your technique that sends them to the left? The way you pull the trigger, could be you aren't pulling it straight back, instead are pulling it in a way to make the sights go left a slight bit by the time the BB leaves the barrel.
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Old February 17th, 2007, 12:27   #4
The Saint
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Some guns also apparently defaults to the left due to their hopup design. WE 1911 and 2011 (and I assume TM ones as well, since they're more or less the same) use a lever to depress the bucking, but the lever pivots downwards to the left, rather than moving straight down. If what I understand of hopup physics is correct, that puts a slightly off axis spin on the BB, causing it to go left a little. Dunno if that applies here, though.
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Old February 17th, 2007, 12:33   #5
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Must be just some models or versions, my TM 226 shoots dead straight, every shot.
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Old February 17th, 2007, 13:34   #6
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As far as I know, only KSC makes a G17 (please correct me if I'm wrong).

It uses a ratcheting bezel with an internal ramp to press a 1mm or so diameter steel BB into the rubber that passes into the barrel. Once it's set it pretty much stays there and won't impart a one side or the other BB yaw.

I'd say the simplest fix to try (I haven't done it myself, just something I thought of) is to cut the head off a cardboard match, then press it into the area between the outer and inner barrel. Left side to move the BB flight right, right side to move it left. Could make the problem a lot worse in either direction. I still say to do the barrel tape method, as well as see who the trigger is pulled back. I played with my G19 in the past hour, knocked off a half dozen shots (0ne of my favourite targets is the electrical extension cord hanging above the outlet in my basement), it's about 30ft away, takes me a couple to a few shots, but I can hit it with my G19. I looked around it to see if I can make it pull right or left when I pull the trigger. I can pull the muzzle left by using the pad closest to my hand after the first knuckle, or pull it right by using the finger tip side of the knuckle. That is based upon MY hand on the G19. I generally put the inside first knuckle directly on the trigger, or a slight bit of the finger tip pad from the knuckle when I shoot it.
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Old February 17th, 2007, 13:42   #7
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TM now makes a G17, I recently got one from A&A. Having no experience with the other brands, I can't compare. I will say the TM shoots as straight as my TM P226. Overall a really nice addition to my collection.
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Old February 17th, 2007, 15:01   #8
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Originally Posted by CDN_Stalker View Post
How much to the left? My G19s tend to shoot to the left or right a bit, like a couple inches at 30ft. I either slide my rear sight to the right, or leave it as it is. Heavier ammo really helps too, I prefer 0.30g in mine, often go higher. 0.25g are ok, but anything lower really sucks.

A few things you can do, take out your inner barrel and wrap some electrical tape around tightly it behind where the O-ring is. Build it up so it's slightly thicker than the O-ring. Put it back in and give it a try. Glock GBBs have really bad inner barrel wobble and by securing the inner barrel better, your accuracy and consistancy will improve about 10x better than just installing a tightbore.

And, ever thought that maybe the gun shoots fine and it's your technique that sends them to the left? The way you pull the trigger, could be you aren't pulling it straight back, instead are pulling it in a way to make the sights go left a slight bit by the time the BB leaves the barrel.
It goes about a few inches @ 2m. Yeah the inner barrel is wobbly and doesn't touch the outer barrel. So maybe I should just stick something in there. I'm using .20g. And no it's not my technique! I shoot straight. Oh, and the sights aren't adjustable, at least not from what I can tell. I'll try sticking something in there to stabilize the inner barrel.

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Old February 17th, 2007, 15:13   #9
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HFC manufactures the G17 as well as TM and KSC. I don't own the HFC G17 but I have a KWA G19 and it tends to shoot to the right instead (with 0.25g bbs). I get a fairly accurate groupings of 1cm for 3 shots at 30 feet away.
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Old February 17th, 2007, 15:17   #10
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Originally Posted by underground View Post
HFC manufactures the G17 as well as TM and KSC. I don't own the HFC G17 but I have a KWA G19 and it tends to shoot to the right instead (with 0.25g bbs). I get a fairly accurate groupings of 1cm for 3 shots at 30 feet away.
That doesn't really help me. Maybe you can tell me why? Is the inner barrel wobbly? Not connected to the outer barrel in any way like mine?

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Old February 17th, 2007, 15:26   #11
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Post the exact make and model that you're using. You can narrow down some possibilities for problems if we have a better idea what model you have.
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Old February 17th, 2007, 15:27   #12
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Originally Posted by CDN_Stalker View Post
As far as I know, only KSC makes a G17 (please correct me if I'm wrong).

It uses a ratcheting bezel with an internal ramp to press a 1mm or so diameter steel BB into the rubber that passes into the barrel. Once it's set it pretty much stays there and won't impart a one side or the other BB yaw.

I'd say the simplest fix to try (I haven't done it myself, just something I thought of) is to cut the head off a cardboard match, then press it into the area between the outer and inner barrel. Left side to move the BB flight right, right side to move it left. Could make the problem a lot worse in either direction. I still say to do the barrel tape method, as well as see who the trigger is pulled back. I played with my G19 in the past hour, knocked off a half dozen shots (0ne of my favourite targets is the electrical extension cord hanging above the outlet in my basement), it's about 30ft away, takes me a couple to a few shots, but I can hit it with my G19. I looked around it to see if I can make it pull right or left when I pull the trigger. I can pull the muzzle left by using the pad closest to my hand after the first knuckle, or pull it right by using the finger tip side of the knuckle. That is based upon MY hand on the G19. I generally put the inside first knuckle directly on the trigger, or a slight bit of the finger tip pad from the knuckle when I shoot it.
I have an HFC Glock 17. So other people do make them. And the match thing may work. I might have to try a few different things. And I wouldn't want to shoot at hanging things in my basement! My gun would damage my walls!

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Old February 17th, 2007, 15:34   #13
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sorry I was posting my response to CND_stalker about the manufactors and I'll check up on my g19 when I get back home. I'm having the same problem except mine shoots to the right.
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Old February 17th, 2007, 15:48   #14
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Bring it on boys! Lol, hopefully we can all learn a few things about the guns you have and how to fix them.
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Old February 17th, 2007, 17:01   #15
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Originally Posted by CDN_Stalker View Post
It uses a ratcheting bezel with an internal ramp to press a 1mm or so diameter steel BB into the rubber that passes into the barrel. Once it's set it pretty much stays there and won't impart a one side or the other BB yaw.
Not so. Both my G19's fire to the left brutally, and so did many that members of my old club in Van ordered. One thing you can do to prevent it is cut down an old needle bearing that is the same diameter as the steel BB, and use that instead. Works like a charm. The electrical tape is the next best thing I did, thanks for that advice.
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