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First thing you would purchase for a PTW...


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Old September 23rd, 2007, 20:46   #16
Scooby Steve
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Originally Posted by KEVORKIAN View Post
Just looking for some ideas... my PTW/CQB arrives on Monday.
I'm jealous. Unless you already have a case, where do you plan on keeping your new delight?
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Old September 23rd, 2007, 21:30   #17
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Old September 23rd, 2007, 22:22   #18
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Originally Posted by mcguyver View Post
Lutnit, are you actually going to pack around 15 PTW mags to go with those 15 ranger plates? If so, you better have a good back or a better health insurance plan, cause that weight is going to do you in!!!
Pfft, I carried around a TOP M60E1 with 2/3 of its externals replaced with real steel parts for a whole day...yeah, I was wrecked, I'm heading to the gym.

I only have 9 mags on order but am planning to get 15 so I can load em with 31rnds each for milsim games. 9 x 30 is not enough for me since many milsim games are now having unlimited ammo if you load your mags as realcaps.

Hmmm...I could load my Wasatch with steel plates, load the mag pouches with rocks, and put a steel plate in my camel back and go jogging.
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Old September 23rd, 2007, 22:25   #19
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Get the 551 instead from I'd buy an good cylinder, magazines and a 551.
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Old September 23rd, 2007, 22:27   #20
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Originally Posted by Regan.S View Post
Get the 551 instead from I'd buy an good cylinder, magazines and a 551.
"Good cylinder"? They're all good (they're all made by systema)..
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Old September 23rd, 2007, 22:49   #21
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Originally Posted by LUTNIT View Post
Pfft, I carried around a TOP M60E1 with 2/3 of its externals replaced with real steel parts for a whole day...yeah, I was wrecked, I'm heading to the gym.

I only have 9 mags on order but am planning to get 15 so I can load em with 31rnds each for milsim games. 9 x 30 is not enough for me since many milsim games are now having unlimited ammo if you load your mags as realcaps.

Hmmm...I could load my Wasatch with steel plates, load the mag pouches with rocks, and put a steel plate in my camel back and go jogging.
I have a total of 9 mags (8 in the rig and 1 in the gun) and those 8 weigh alot more that the 18 Marui and KA I used to have. I used to carry 15 in the rig on a regular basis and it was alot, but bearable. I find now that to save weight, I ditch the pistol and it's associated crap.

Just by perceived weight in my hand, each PTW mag (empty) weighs about the same as a real 30 round AR mag and 20 rounds (still in their box, of course). I wish I had a small scale, but alas I don't.

I wouldn't want to have to carry real plates and a dozen real 30 round mags (loaded) as well as water, batteries and food for even an hour.
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Old September 24th, 2007, 00:41   #22
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Guys... everyone's entitled to their opinions. Puffing out your chest and claiming your gun is better than someone else's is stupid. I know... I do that too. At the end of the day, it means shit if you don't know how to play for shit or how to tune your hop up properly.

There are a LOT of variables that can give one gun further range over another gun, including how much lob the shooter is willing to compensate for.

So end the bickering there there and cool it at that. Go grab a beer and relax before another fun-filled week of school starts.
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Old October 1st, 2007, 22:47   #23
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I'm about to get a PTW but I'm gonna miss tinkering around inside my gearbox .

And why are the Systema mags so heavy? Do they put weights in them or are they made of really really dense/solid metal?

And with respect to accessories. Whats the difference between Ranger Plates and Magpuls? They're both just there to make fishing mags from your pocket a little easier no? Do Ranger Plates require modification to install?

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Old October 1st, 2007, 22:56   #24
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You can still tinker with the mechbox if you want, but unless you know what you're doing it's really not suggested.

The Systema mags are heavy because they're real steel mags.

For the most part Ranger Plates shouldn't require any modification of the mag itself (other than bending the arms a little on the bottom of the mag) but pulling the floor plate off the mags is a real pain in the ass. You'll also have to knock the pins out and pull the internals out.

Last edited by Endymion; October 1st, 2007 at 22:59..
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Old October 1st, 2007, 22:58   #25
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Originally Posted by jerryliang2k View Post
I'm about to get a PTW but I'm gonna miss tinkering around inside my gearbox .

And why are the Systema mags so heavy? Do they put weights in them or are they made of really really dense/solid metal?

And with respect to accessories. Whats the difference between Ranger Plates and Magpuls? They're both just there to make fishing mags from your pocket a little easier no? Do Ranger Plates require modification to install?

Systema uses a real mag shell. They make a cut at the top on each side to accomodate their feed system, as well as drill 2 holes completely through the shell to accomodate the pins that retain the guts. Then, they use very solid plastic with very little wasted area.

You will have to pry up the baseplate retainers and remove the baseplate in order to install ranger plates. Real Magpul plates made for real mags (not airsoft mags) are the ones you'd want.
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Old October 1st, 2007, 23:15   #26
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I'm assuming that's why the ptw mag price is so high...
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Old October 2nd, 2007, 00:24   #27
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Well, $50 bucks a pop is about what GBB mags cost and I'm guessing Systema mags have at least the same metal content in 'em. You get your money's worth of metal.

Looks like I'll just stick to Magpuls. I can't see any real advantage offered by the ranger plates anyways... Worst comes to worse, there's always cord+tape

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Old October 3rd, 2007, 20:48   #28
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Ranger plates don't add to the thickness of the mag when it's attached. On some brands of mag pouches (Eagle especially), it is already a very tight fit to have 2 mags in there. Having Magpuls on the mags is almost impossible to load or extract the mag with ease. I would have to use a triple mag or a double M14 pouch to fit 2 mags with Magpuls on them if I wanted to carry 2 mags in each pouch.

So, depending on how or what brand your mag pouches are, using Ranger plates might let you carry more mags in your pouches.
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Old October 3rd, 2007, 21:00   #29
Not Eye Safe, Pretty Boy Maximus on the field take his picture!
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Well it's hard to decide on the FIRST thing i would buy for a PTW, but I know the first TWO things would be a battery and a magazine
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Old October 3rd, 2007, 22:32   #30
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next week...can't wait...gah!

Yeah I ran into the magpul problem before with STAR mags. Even 100mph tape and paracord ones would cause the two mags to stick together so when you pull one out the other flies out too. Read on Arnies that ranger plates prevent this and that they work great on PTW mags so I went ahead and ordered em.
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