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looking to buy a airsoft but cant decide...


Airsoft Guns Discussion

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Old January 9th, 2008, 21:44   #1
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looking to buy a airsoft but cant decide...

So I'm looking around websites for a good airsoft gun but since its my first time buying one I have no idea on what I'm doing,right now I'm looking at the
Tokyo Marui SR-16 and probably going mount a 3 - 9 x 40mm scope on it but before I do anything I sum advice from u guys.What I'm looking in a gun for is its accuracy, range and durability.

I'm open to suggestions on any type of gun except for a spring loaded sniper

I know I need to get my age verified,I'm working on it well if u believe me I'm 18 :P

I'm in Montreal west island

thx alot

Last edited by billybob!; January 9th, 2008 at 22:08..
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Old January 9th, 2008, 21:52   #2
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TM SR 16, decent gun, TM is a good company, a 3-9 x40mm scope is a nice touch but I gotta admit overkill for airsoft, but hey to each their own on how they want their gun to look.

The way you should look at airsoft guns is, its not the outside shell IE if it looks like an M4 or if it looks like an AK thats gona effect how it works. Your looking at its internals. Any M16 , M4 or MP5 type gun is going to have a version 2 mechbox, version 2's are alright. What you may want is a nice version 3 mechbox, V3's have been known to be very sturdy and reliable, that is not to say V2s are not. Accuracy range and durability. For version 3's your looking at AK's or G36's, but that is not to say that you can look at other guns either like the M14, which uses a Version 7 I believe, but you want an M4 variant so lets keep our thoughts on the version 2.

As for accuracy range and durability.

Well for accuracy your going to want to upgrade the inner barrel of whatever AEG you choose, having a tighter barrel will maximise the airflow thats propelling the BB and effect your accuracey.

For range your going to want a more powerful spring to give your BB that kick down the barrel, also an improved hop up unit wouldnt hurt either, that would help your range.

As for durability, when it comes to it, TM has a plastic body, but Ive never had an issue with it, some people swear that metal bodies will always break and that their no good, some , like me have never had an issue. Classic Army makes all their guns as far as I know of with all metal parts, however I have heard of some CAs even though with superior exterior qualitys to have absolutly shit for internals, but I cannot confirm if this still happens.

I'll slow down on the info for now and let someone else give some input.

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Last edited by TokyoSeven; January 10th, 2008 at 00:33..
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Old January 9th, 2008, 22:10   #3
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From my experience it's cheaper to make a V3 perform good, than it is to get a V2 to perform good, depending on what company you buy your gun from (G&P internals look like the best stock parts on the market right now).
So for starter guns it's either TM or CA really.
TM is cheaper both to begin and in the long run since they just don't break down, but later on if you want a metal body it's best just to buy a new gun.
CA has decent metal bodies but their internals suck, and their quality control is non-existent. You could get a gun that lasts a season or a lemon that lasts 3 mags, who knows lol
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Old January 10th, 2008, 00:21   #4
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After reading about countless broken tabs, V2 issues, armalite barrel wobble, etc, Unless its full metal, I'm staying away from the M4/M16 guns.

I'm sold on the V3 guns. Overall a better system to work with from the look of it.

From my limited use with an airsoft gun, unless you have an upgraded sniper rifle, a scope is purely cosmetic and often a hindrance. The guns don't have the range or accuracy to warrant any real use of a scope unless its a low power. Unless you have a solid, well upgraded gun, iron sights or red dots are much more effective.
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Old January 10th, 2008, 00:38   #5
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Id to recommend the TM S Sytem its sturdy and you eliminate the barrel wobble that haunts most M series guns. Due to the design with the rail from the foregrip onto the reciever.

If you wish you can have the full sized m16 style stock installed afterwards and have your gun rewired to the rear.

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Old January 10th, 2008, 03:00   #6
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I loved my SR-16, but you will eventually have issues with tabs and barrel wobble. Look into CA's armalite range, I love 'em even more.
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Old January 10th, 2008, 06:11   #7
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Go meet local players first, see what they use, and then decide what to buy. Much better to see first than buying with no idea.
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Old January 10th, 2008, 06:28   #8
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PM me if you want to meet up. Semi snipers are right in my yard.
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Old January 10th, 2008, 09:56   #9
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IF you want to try a TM Sr-16, be at the next Action Commando game... there few guys like me who own one!

It a nice gun!! Love it!
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Old January 10th, 2008, 17:01   #10
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ChiefInTrees brings up a good point, plastic M4s wobble like crazy, the S systema solves that but it's still a plastic gun. CA M4 is the really the way to go, but like I said you need to replace two or three internal parts right off the bat.
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Old January 10th, 2008, 20:04   #11
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I don't get it.... what is it about the M4 that makes everyone HAVE to have one... I'd take a G36 or an M14 over an M4 anyday, and probably a lot of other guns over an M4 as well.

But then again, I like to be unique so lol
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Old January 11th, 2008, 17:44   #12
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Whats unique about having a g36 or a m14??? Theres plenty of players who used them... M4 is popular because manufacturer make plenty of parts to upgrade and customize them (also because the US and other country used them)
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Old January 11th, 2008, 17:55   #13
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I dislike the M4/M16 type of guns because of the way they are built (I generally hate their mechbox setup design). Yet I must say there's tons of ways to add parts and upgrade them.

Give me a V3 (motor in a cage) or better mechbox system anytime; one less headache. But that's MY choice.

That's why I always suggest folks should go to games first to see what is in use, why it's in use, and what is on the repair bench most often (or not). I sure learned a lot that way.
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Old January 11th, 2008, 18:06   #14
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Originally Posted by Greylocks View Post
Give me a V3 (motor in a cage) or better mechbox system anytime; one less headache. But that's MY choice..
Yeah, I hear you. I have an AUG, easiest gun EVER to upgrade and take apart.

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Old January 11th, 2008, 18:06   #15
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Not only going to a game to meet players, but try to arrange to rent a gun from someone who is going, most rentals are M4s/M16s anyways. When you're there ask if you can switch with someone else for a little bit to try as many guns as you think you like. That way you have not only seen what you want but have tried it too.
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