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M15A4 Carbine from Classic Army


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Old May 21st, 2008, 14:32   #1
Epic MacPhail
aka Hitarosu
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M15A4 Carbine from Classic Army

The one in particular that I'm looking at comes from Classic Army, (3rd gun from the top)
boasts a full-metal body, which is nice, a decent FPS, and above all, a Large battery for a full day of shooting. I have read nothing negative about this gun, but I'm just throwing this up on the ASC boards to see if anyone else has encountered any problems (or misgivings) with this gun.

The main things I'm looking to find out are;
1) Usability, the gun looks perfectly fine and other reviews say nothing to the contrary, but someone with personal experience that can be trusted is always good,
2) Upgrades and customization, and interchangeable parts, from the pictures and videos I've seen on the internet I haven't seen much in the way of upgrades, customization, or inter-changeable parts,
3) Overall judgment of the product. Just seeing if you have used it/ own it, what are your overall views on the AEG?
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Old May 21st, 2008, 14:43   #2
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these guns are amazing, complete workhorses...

you really dont need to buy the metal body version, but of course its much more durable, in terms of battery usage it certainly helpt having a large battery with over 3000 mah...specially if you want to upgrade the gun.

honestly, classic army rocks.
its that simple, they just do.
reliable parts, all metal...what more can you ask for?

of course it can be fully upgraded with common parts.
anything in the gear box can be upgraded with fancy or stock parts.
ca's are very cross compatible with other parts and pieces.

ive been running a ca-mp5 all winter for indoor games, upgraded to m100 spring = 350 fps, with 2 small batteries. Never once had it fail or batteries dying for that matter (not playing all day of course...wouldnt last)

Go classic army, always!
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Old May 21st, 2008, 17:55   #3
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I had a m15a3, and gosh did it rock.

Every, single detail were great. The internals rock, everything.

but, if you have the budget, i'd go with tokyo marui and a full metal body
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Old May 21st, 2008, 17:57   #4
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mine works fine for me.
iv had three of them so far.
all pretty good in my books.
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Old May 21st, 2008, 18:17   #5
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Originally Posted by Hitarosu View Post
Upgrades and customization, and interchangeable parts, from the pictures and videos I've seen on the internet I haven't seen much in the way of upgrades, customization, or inter-changeable parts

Un-upgradeable M4 is an oxymoron! They're the most upgradeable gun series around!

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Old May 21st, 2008, 19:04   #6
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1. I have the M15A4 rifle, and it's a dream to shoot. It's solid, has quality internals and externals. No problems to report here whatsoever. It's my favorite gun in my collection by far. Some people say the compression parts tend to be sub-par, but I fired about 20 000 rounds through mine stock, and when I did open the mechbox to finally upgrade the spring and the compression parts (which I expected by what I heard to be worn out), there wasn't any wear on anything. I installed my new spring guide, piston, piston head, and cylinder hear nonetheless, but none were really needed.

2. Armalites are the most upgradeable guns you can get bar none. All internals and externals are TM compatible, so if it fits on an Armalite or in a V2 mechbox, you can use it with this gun.

3. It's a workhorse and a top performer in my book. With the upgraded spring (Prometheus MS110SP - about 360 fps) it outranged every other gun on the field at my last game. Add a tightbore and new hopup rubber to the stock gun and you'll have an accurate gun that can reach out and touch someone easily at 150 foot ranges. I can't see myself wanting another M16 model as long as this one holds out for me. And if something happened to it, chances are I'd buy another CA to replace it.
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Old May 21st, 2008, 19:05   #7
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There's only one thing that you'll really need to replace on this gun, and that's the piston head (like $10). I've had mine go on a different CA gun, and my brother had his go on the same gun you're looking at. Pretty much wait until something breaks (most likely the piston head) and then you or a gun doctor only has to open the mechbox once to fix that and maybe put a new piston and spring in there as well while you're at it. You can easily get this up to 350 FPS for less than $100 and you should be able to put tens of thousands of rounds through it without any trouble.

The metal body also gives an amazing weight and feel to the gun as well as gives excellent durability.

As was mentioned, when it comes to upgrades and customization...I can't think of any gun which is easier to upgrade and customize. There's hundreds of options and parts are readily available.
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Old May 21st, 2008, 23:50   #8
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Great great great guns. I haven't had mine for long so I don't know about long term durability, but the previous owner probably fired more than his fair share of rounds through it, very little wear in the mechbox, only on the piston too. It currently has one of the Airsoft Surgeon springs in it and shoots around 390 FPS with almost everything stock, just new spring guide and sorbothane. I'll update if it fails on me, but everything is great on the gun.
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Old May 22nd, 2008, 19:39   #9
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I have been researching for weeks... Classic Army was top of my list. By the way the 3rd from the top on the CA website is actually basically an M16, the carbine is on page 2 i think. It has a shorter foregrip and collapsible stock. It is good for outdoors/indoors, while the M15A4 is probably better outdoors and could cause you havoc due to its length in indoor games.

I have one on order and can't wait for it to arrive. I purchased the CA M15A4 Carbine. There are other brands out there like KWA and G&P. They each have their pros and cons. KWA has amazing internals and can take a LIPO battery, which means greater potential for a high FPS gun. G&P is known for its high quality metal body. In my honest opinion, the best combo would be Tokyo Marui internals with a G&P metal body. But going that route seems more difficult to implement and expensive. Also there is the ICS M4 people say its up to par with the CA. It has a split gearbox and metal body. It also has a forward release function to relieve tension from the spring and unjam the gearbox. The only reason I did not choose that gun is the lack of aftermarket parts due to its split gearbox design. The CA has a standard V2 gearbox therefore you can mix and match a ton of great internal parts. Also, its alot easier to start with a solid exterior AEG and swap out internal parts than to work the other way around. The foregrip on the CA is said to be of much better finish than most AEGS in its class which is a bonus. The earlier models of the CA were lacking reliability but the newer models are top class. Anyway if you need to know any information about the M4/M16 series and comparisons let me know I have researched beyond the limit about them.

After you get age verified hit me up and ill let you know where to buy your AEG, every day im realizing how big of a London airsoft community there is..

Last edited by ReSpEcT; May 22nd, 2008 at 19:52..
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Old May 26th, 2008, 14:35   #10
Epic MacPhail
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Thanks for the information, it came up in PMs that I must have missed a major gap in my research, and from what I've been finding out over the last few days is something I completly missed last time.
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