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PEQ capacity


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Old August 31st, 2008, 18:07   #1
Muffin's Avatar
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PEQ capacity

I'm looking to aquire myself a Star PEQ box and just curious if it needs a specific PEQ battery. The box I'm considering:
I've got an extra Intellect 8.4 mini sitting around that I'd really like to use, and I don't want anything higher volt cause its for a JG. Just curious how well that would fit. Or if it will fit.
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Old September 2nd, 2008, 06:56   #2
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No body has any PEQ info?
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Old September 2nd, 2008, 07:54   #3
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The description says it holds up to 9.6v....that's info!

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Old September 2nd, 2008, 16:54   #4
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The box you linked to holds 3300mAh cells so chances are its an oversized PEQ. Normal sized PEQ's hold mini cells. You can easily fit in a mini 8.4V with lots of room to spare, or get a custom pack that uses up more of the room and has a higher mAh rating. I have a STAR non-oversized PEQ and it holds a 9.6V mini with lots of spare room, have a custom 9.6V 2200mAh pack in it though. My ICS PEQ box can hold dual 9.6V mini packs, so up to 3200mAh if you stick em in parallel and get the new 1600mAh mini packs.

Your best bet is to just buy a PEQ box that comes with a battery in it already. As for only using an 8.4V a stock JG gun should be able to handle 9.6V no problem. You don't want that on say a stock TM cause it only shoots ~280fps, the spring is not strong enough to return the piston to the front before the gears try to wind it back again if the rate of fire is too high so it strips the piston. Since JG guns have 350-420fps springs in them stock a 9.6V battery wont be an issue and will significantly raise your ROF.

Last edited by LUTNIT; September 2nd, 2008 at 16:57..
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Old September 2nd, 2008, 16:56   #5
A-56 aka Mr.Hitman
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These DBOYS PEQ is hot!


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Old September 2nd, 2008, 19:01   #6
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Originally Posted by LUTNIT View Post
The box you linked to holds 3300mAh cells so chances are its an oversized PEQ. Normal sized PEQ's hold mini cells. You can easily fit in a mini 8.4V with lots of room to spare, or get a custom pack that uses up more of the room and has a higher mAh rating. I have a STAR non-oversized PEQ and it holds a 9.6V mini with lots of spare room, have a custom 9.6V 2200mAh pack in it though. My ICS PEQ box can hold dual 9.6V mini packs, so up to 3200mAh if you stick em in parallel and get the new 1600mAh mini packs.

Your best bet is to just buy a PEQ box that comes with a battery in it already. As for only using an 8.4V a stock JG gun should be able to handle 9.6V no problem. You don't want that on say a stock TM cause it only shoots ~280fps, the spring is not strong enough to return the piston to the front before the gears try to wind it back again if the rate of fire is too high so it strips the piston. Since JG guns have 350-420fps springs in them stock a 9.6V battery wont be an issue and will significantly raise your ROF.
Thanks for the info man. Reason I'm wanting to run a 8.4 is cause I'll be down grading the spring to 330fps. As if will be my CQB(XT) gun.
But great I'll keep hunting, just wanted to know how they fit in exactly.
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