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The 6.01mm vs 6.05mm barrel claim


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Old September 6th, 2008, 20:22   #1
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The 6.01mm vs 6.05mm barrel claim

PDI claims that 6.05mm barrel is more accurate than 6.01mm inner bore barrels.

and also claims that 6.05mm gives the best balance between range/accuracy

To sub-quote PDI, here's what they said:

"6.01mm for velocity, 6.05mm for accuracy"

many people from arnies have vouched for this statement but hard facts has never come out yet.

it has not been proven with picture/grouping tests.

though there have been a test showing the performance difference between a PDI 6.01mm and Prometheus 6.03mm inner barrels in a Tokyo Marui Glock.

Prometheus had better groupings than PDI barrel.


Last edited by Skladfin; September 7th, 2008 at 17:17..
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Old September 6th, 2008, 21:42   #2
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I'm the only person I know who had their groupings decrease with a tightbore. I'm also the only person I know who installed a tightbore that shreds BB's.

Everyone else I talk to who gas a tightbore (6.04 usually) has notice quite an increase in groupings. The ones used are either SystemA or Madbull.

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Old September 6th, 2008, 21:50   #3
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I had Prothemus 6.05 originally in my VSR, but then figured I'd try out their 6.03. I haven't compared them down to measurements, but I can tell that the 6.03 our performed the .05.
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Old September 6th, 2008, 22:05   #4
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Systema claims 6.04 is the best size and that anything smaller causes the BB to ricochet alot down the barrel, despite the fact when I replaced my systema 6.04 with a prometheus 6.03 my groupings improved
Now keep in mind that all depends on how good your BB's are!
A perfect 6mm BB will work best in a 6.01 barrel, but I'll stick to my tried and proven 6.03 barrels
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Old September 6th, 2008, 22:20   #5
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Prometheus all the way.
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Old September 6th, 2008, 22:27   #6
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logically the tighter the barrel, the tighter the groupings. Doesn't it make you wonder why the 6.05mm pdi is better than the 6.01 pdi? To me it doesn't really make sense, assuming its manufactured the same way with excellent QC, and that the only variable between these 2 inner barrels is the diameter.

Furthermore, if Prometheus's 6.03mm is better than PDI's 6.01, then that means the 6.01mm which PDI makes really has some issues.

Also if their 6.05mms are so good, then why are they still selling them? snipers and all airsoft guns should be better off with a 6.05mm.
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Old September 6th, 2008, 22:53   #7
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to sub-directly quote PDI:

"6.01mm for velocity, 6.05mm for accuracy"

by the way, this is not a battle between brands, its a battle between bore sizes.

one argument that was voiced had said "It is argued that the gap between the barrel bore and BB becomes too small when the barrel is made too tight. I can say for sure that it is possible to make a too small gap. I don't argue at this point what the optimal gap is, but PDI says their 6.05 barrels are more accurate than 6.01 barrels. In the above test we have seen that a 6.03 barrel beat a 6.01 barrel. Further tests are necessary to form a consensus on this matter."
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Old September 6th, 2008, 23:21   #8
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If your BB's aren't perfectly round to begin with, your groupings will be worse as you tighten the barrel.
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Old September 7th, 2008, 00:46   #9
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pfffrrrt honestly I swapped both barrels (long and short) for tightbore...and I'm not's not that obvious.
hop-up tuning makes more difference I find...
so I don't know.
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Old September 7th, 2008, 04:53   #10
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Originally Posted by Skladfin View Post
to sub-directly quote PDI:

"6.01mm for velocity, 6.05mm for accuracy"
My mistake then sorry. so they are implying that the 6.01mm isn't accurate? sounds contradictory to me...

Thinking in PDI's nature: if thats the case why not go for 6.03 for a good compromise of accuracy and velocity?
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Old September 7th, 2008, 09:07   #11
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I've used Systema 6.05, Systema 6.04, KM 6.04 (TN coated), Prometheus 6.03 and Madbull 6.03 (ver.2 Black Python).

I never did any quantifiable testing, but my overall impression/satisfaction with various setups goes something like this:

1) Shorter barrels (M4 or shorter) provide a more immediately noticeable increase in accuracy;

2) accuracy and range improvements tend to me on the outer limit of your effective range, that is, if you were grouping 1 inch at 10 feet, you probably won't group that much better at the same range, but if at 30 feet your shots were spreading out to a meter -wide group, your groups at 30 feet will tighten up;

3) regardless of the tightbore, inter-shot consistency (and therefor grouping) will always suck using lighter ammo. You HAVE to go to heavier BBs (.25 minimum) to start getting good groups;

4) overall the 6.03 barrels gave me the best performance, though I never tried 6.01 -- nor do I feel they'd provide any significant improvement, either for accuracy or velocity. Things like pressure difference between shots (specially in AEGs) and HopUp introduce way too many variables anyway. And seriously, regarding PDI's claim, "6.01 yields better velocity than 6.03": realistically we're talking about 3-5 FPS here.
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Old September 7th, 2008, 11:42   #12
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I recently tested this theory in a Tokyo Marui Hi-Capa carrying a 7" inner barrel.

Testing was done with a well used but cleaned Nine Ball (Prometheus / Laylax) 6.03mm inner barrel versus a brand new PDI 6.01mm.

The result?

The PDI 6.01mm yielded slightly higher velocity (as expected), but it surprisingly also provided marginally tighter groupings at 31 feet.

The pistol was held free-standing in isosceles stance, aiming aided by a Doctersight RDS.

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Old September 7th, 2008, 13:22   #13
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Is it possile with the 6.01 barrel, that because of it's tightness, it is adding more spin than a 6.03 or 6.04 barrel? Causing accuracy decrease?
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Old September 7th, 2008, 15:28   #14
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Originally Posted by IronOverlord View Post
Is it possile with the 6.01 barrel, that because of it's tightness, it is adding more spin than a 6.03 or 6.04 barrel? Causing accuracy decrease?
That's pretty much the theory.

The idea is that because the tighter bore places the wall closer to the projectile, it ends up bouncing around inside the barrel more times than it would in a larger bore barrel, causing it to affect the flight trajectory of the BB.

A larger bore barrel, on the other hand, will allow more air to surround the BB and cushion it as it is projected out of the barrel and reduce the number of times it hits the walls.

Again... that's the theory, but my "tests" prove otherwise in the example I posted above. Also, that test is done with a pistol held by hand, no rest and with no magnified optics. Take that for what it's worth, as there are several variables at play.
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Old September 7th, 2008, 15:37   #15
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so here is a question: What is more accurate? The 6.03 or the 6.05?
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