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Good day chaps, couple questions



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Old October 12th, 2008, 11:42   #1
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Good day chaps, couple questions

Good day all.

First off, as you probably can tell quite simply, I am new to this forum, though I have been reading it for the last couple days.

Anyways, I will say it up front, I am not 18 yet, not for a couple months (I was quite sore at missing being able to vote in the the election by so little. ), so obviously, I cannot yet be age verified.

In any case, I have been considering, once I can do it legally of course, getting my hands on some form of the M1 Garand. I was thinking the Marushin one, but it does seem a fair amount more cost wise, and the gas seems to be more than my funds would permit. (To have to continually buy more that is).

So, even though the main reason I would want a Garand is historical purposes (I am a history geek), the M14 conversion seemed to be the best choice in the long run.

Now, I have looked through the FAQ, and read through different threads, and I am still somewhat confused on this. Are the TM M14s allowed at all in Canada? And second off, if so, (And because I obviously cannot look for myself) I was wondering how common they are on the marketplace that is related to this forums, and what price they go for generally?

Anyways, thank you for taking the time to even read this,

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Old October 12th, 2008, 11:45   #2
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First off. if you want a gun, your only bet is to obtain it if it is already in Canada, i.e: you find it on the boards. That being said, there are a number of M14's on the board atm so no worries. i hope that answers most of your questions.
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Old October 12th, 2008, 11:49   #3
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Yes, thank you.

How much would one of them go for, is that shareable?
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Old October 12th, 2008, 11:50   #4
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Old October 12th, 2008, 11:52   #5
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Many thanks!
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Old October 12th, 2008, 12:58   #6
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You might want to check out the FAQ regarding green gas, all you really need is a can of propane from wherever and an adaptor for the propane outlet.

Green Gas = Propane

There are a lot of M14's in the classifieds and they can range anywhere from a couple hundred to $800+ (including a few upgrades, mags, etc.).

If you're a history major and just want it as a showpiece all you should be looking for is a cheap M14.

I would suggest however that an M4 might be a better starter weapon as you can play CQB and outdoors. Whereas the M14 is really more of an outside weapon because of it's length.
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Old October 12th, 2008, 13:17   #7
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Originally Posted by L473ncy View Post
You might want to check out the FAQ regarding green gas, all you really need is a can of propane from wherever and an adaptor for the propane outlet.

Green Gas = Propane

There are a lot of M14's in the classifieds and they can range anywhere from a couple hundred to $800+ (including a few upgrades, mags, etc.).

If you're a history major and just want it as a showpiece all you should be looking for is a cheap M14.

I would suggest however that an M4 might be a better starter weapon as you can play CQB and outdoors. Whereas the M14 is really more of an outside weapon because of it's length.
Ahh, so THAT was what Green gas is... I always thought it was some sort of special, expensive gas, even though people did not talk about it like that...

Haha, no, I am not a history major, I just want a Garand looking gun, and the M14 conversion seemed to be the cheaper way to go for the moment (I unfortunately do not have a lot of cash hanging around right now). But I would hope to play with it, some friends introduced it to me, just the cheap ones though. But we tried a tactical scale game, and I was hooked.

That said, I do like history, so I was thinking of some way to combine it, without costing a fortune..
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Old October 12th, 2008, 20:08   #8
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You should have no problem with age verification, may I say welcome to the community and you actually read the FAQ's so you're off to a good start.

It might take a while to get verified though because the verifiers are doing this on a purely voluntary basis and may not always have the right scheduling to meet up with you. That being said they will go to some length to try and verify you.

Mine took about 2 weeks (after I turned 18) to do because of scheduling on both my part and the verifiers. Plus another week or so to get the verification status passed on to the mods.

Not only can you use propane but you can also use duster gas.
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Old October 12th, 2008, 20:09   #9
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Originally Posted by L473ncy View Post
You should have no problem with age verification, may I say welcome to the community and you actually read the FAQ's so you're off to a good start.

It might take a while to get verified though because the verifiers are doing this on a purely voluntary basis and may not always have the right scheduling to meet up with you. That being said they will go to some length to try and verify you.

Mine took about 2 weeks (after I turned 18) to do because of scheduling on both my part and the verifiers. Plus another week or so to get the verification status passed on to the mods.

Not only can you use propane but you can also use duster gas.
that is nothing. i waited like 8-10 months after i turned 18
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Old October 12th, 2008, 20:19   #10
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Originally Posted by Mr.Shiney View Post
Yes it is hard to find an Instructor that teaches how to Finger, Suck, Squeeze and Blow all at the same time.
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Old October 13th, 2008, 00:15   #11
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Thanks for the welcome guys.

In any case, yeah, with my birthday in December, that is a very busy month, so I can imagine it being cramped.
And in any case, I need any money I get at Christmas for any future purchases, unless I decide to buy something I don't really care to, which is thankfully not a huge worry of mine. I am very stingy it seems. :P

Thanks all for the tips and whatnot, it has cleared some things up in my mind. and helped me to get a better understanding of what I want to do!
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Old October 13th, 2008, 09:29   #12
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There is also a substantial WW2 airsoft group in Ontario you might want to check out. I believe they are represented in the Teams section. Alternatively you can try contacting 'leecas' on the boards here.

They'll have a lot more direction regarding the weapon, modifications, upgrade kits, and uniforms.
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Old October 13th, 2008, 16:02   #13
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I have seem them, thanks, Donster put me onto them.
I might shoot them an email soon also.

Oh, would this thread be the appropriate place to ask about the conversion steps in the PDF, by leecas if I recall correctly, or should I look for a thread in the airsoft guns discussion?
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Old October 13th, 2008, 16:31   #14
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Thanks for pointing me to the Garand conversion PDF, I never knew about that.

I'm not a history major or anything but I take a liking to WWII stuff. In fact I'm probably as far as you can get from History, BASc in Comp Sci specializing in GIS.

If anyone wants to do a Bren LMG conversion tutorial it would be much appreciated. I love that gun, I think it's made of win.

Also a Sten conversion guide would be much appreciated too, I'm thinking of taking an Mk 1 sniper and doing a Sten conversion but it probably lies outside of my technical expertise.

I already said this but I have a good feeling about you and you've proven yourself to not be a noob (unlike myself, I posted the "what gun is good" question and subsequently got it trashed).
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Old October 13th, 2008, 17:42   #15
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Originally Posted by L473ncy View Post
Thanks for pointing me to the Garand conversion PDF, I never knew about that.

I'm not a history major or anything but I take a liking to WWII stuff. In fact I'm probably as far as you can get from History, BASc in Comp Sci specializing in GIS.

If anyone wants to do a Bren LMG conversion tutorial it would be much appreciated. I love that gun, I think it's made of win.

Also a Sten conversion guide would be much appreciated too, I'm thinking of taking an Mk 1 sniper and doing a Sten conversion but it probably lies outside of my technical expertise.

I already said this but I have a good feeling about you and you've proven yourself to not be a noob (unlike myself, I posted the "what gun is good" question and subsequently got it trashed).
Well, I was actually pointed to it myself the other day by Donster here, though I had stumbled over it by myself before. So don't thank me.

Funny you mention the Bren, that would be my choice also, I would love to see one of those in action, if not actually owning one.

I wouldn't say I am not a noob, in the actual realm of airsoft, I haven't even technically played a game, not with any of the 'real' guns. But I just read enough before to be careful what I asked.
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