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CA AK 47 Feeding Issue


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Old October 23rd, 2008, 15:50   #1
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CA AK 47 Feeding Issue

Hey guys,

I recently bought my AK, it came second hand, and today I attempted to test fire it. I came upon a problem, however, in that the BB's don't seem to be feeding properly. After inserting the mag, and tapping it on the bottom to make sure it has been inserted completely, the gun sounds like its firing, but no BB's come out. In terms of sound, the motor sounds fine, no scraping or grinding noises. The AK has been disassembled by me once before, and that was just to look around and get to know the interior, and I must stress, I did not open or even remove the mechbox from its mounts. I disassembled it based on the AK 47 disassembly guide provided by, and reassembled it with mechbox's guide as well.

Does anybody know what the problem here seems to be?


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Old October 23rd, 2008, 16:01   #2
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1. Test that bbs will actually come out of the mag.
Do this into a bag or something...use a little screwdriver or allen key and push the nub that holds the bbs in the mag back. The bbs should "spray" out of the mag. If they dribble or just plain don't come out...there's your problem. Some mags have a little latch at the top to pull back.

2. After trying to get it to there a bb stuck in the hopup...or is it empty?
Don't have the battery plugged in, wear safety glasses. Mag out, turn the rifle upside down and look into the feed nozzle. You may need to use a flash light. If there's one in there...that's kind of good..because at least bbs are getting up into the chamber from the mag.

3. When you disassembled it, did you take the opportunity to look down into the barrel from the chamber end?
With the front half separated from the back half (receiver), remove any bb that might be stuck in the chamber, then take a look at the hopup rubber lip and "bump". The lip should be even all the way around the muzzle/nozzle opening...if it's bunched, torn or'll have to take the barrel out and either reseat the barrel or replace the hopup rubber. If the nub is protruding way down into the barrel...well, adjust the hopup so it isn't. Reassemble and test fire.

With the hopup off, you should be able to manually put a bb in the chamber and with just a little push it should pass the lips/nub/bump area and roll down the barrel.

If that all checks out, take a look (battery unplugged) at the nozzle of the mechbox. Does it look like it is sitting properly on the tappet plate? It may have come dislodged. In that case you're going to need to take the mechbox apart and reseat it back in place.

Hope that helps, best of luck

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Old October 23rd, 2008, 16:02   #3
Ktown Militia
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hmm not totally sure what the exact problem is, but feeding issues seem to stem from poor magazines. Have you tried magazines that you know are working properly?
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Old October 23rd, 2008, 16:03   #4
Ktown Militia
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Originally Posted by m102404 View Post
1. Test that bbs will actually come out of the mag.
Do this into a bag or something...use a little screwdriver or allen key and push the nub that holds the bbs in the mag back. The bbs should "spray" out of the mag. If they dribble or just plain don't come out...there's your problem. Some mags have a little latch at the top to pull back.

2. After trying to get it to there a bb stuck in the hopup...or is it empty?
Don't have the battery plugged in, wear safety glasses. Mag out, turn the rifle upside down and look into the feed nozzle. You may need to use a flash light. If there's one in there...that's kind of good..because at least bbs are getting up into the chamber from the mag.

3. When you disassembled it, did you take the opportunity to look down into the barrel from the chamber end?
With the front half separated from the back half (receiver), remove any bb that might be stuck in the chamber, then take a look at the hopup rubber lip and "bump". The lip should be even all the way around the muzzle/nozzle opening...if it's bunched, torn or'll have to take the barrel out and either reseat the barrel or replace the hopup rubber. If the nub is protruding way down into the barrel...well, adjust the hopup so it isn't. Reassemble and test fire.

With the hopup off, you should be able to manually put a bb in the chamber and with just a little push it should pass the lips/nub/bump area and roll down the barrel.

If that all checks out, take a look (battery unplugged) at the nozzle of the mechbox. Does it look like it is sitting properly on the tappet plate? It may have come dislodged. In that case you're going to need to take the mechbox apart and reseat it back in place.

Hope that helps, best of luck


+1111111, great advice given there.
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Old October 23rd, 2008, 16:44   #5
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Originally Posted by Ktown Militia View Post
hmm not totally sure what the exact problem is, but feeding issues seem to stem from poor magazines. Have you tried magazines that you know are working properly?
I have a bunch of mags (10 real cap, 2 mids and a hi cap). I was testing it with one real cap (All of which are made of plastic unfortunately) and a mid cap (metal). To answer your question, this is the first time firing the AEG, so ill test out different mags, see what I get.

With the mags loaded (Only 15 BB's per mid and real cap) I tried to push the release catch on the top of the mag, and as usual, the BB's do stream out. When the mags are inserted into the receiver, BB's are being feed upwards, and yes, usually there is one in the feeding tube.

I will try out the suggestions, and get back to you guys.

Cheers, and thanks!!

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Old October 23rd, 2008, 17:45   #6
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Messed up hopup rubber or a problem with the nozzle...

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Old October 23rd, 2008, 18:20   #7
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try holding the mag in place as you fire, could be that the the bb's aren't feeding into the hopup properly. also take the mag out and turn the gun upside down and look down the hopup to check if the nozzle is moving properly
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Old October 23rd, 2008, 18:47   #8
Ktown Militia
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okay then,
i would say the air zozzle has come off the tappet plate.
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Old October 23rd, 2008, 22:09   #9
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This may seem oddball but have you tryed a drop of silicone oil in the magwell and in the hopup and fired off approximately 50 shots?

real easy but has'nt been mentioned yet...

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Old October 23rd, 2008, 22:13   #10
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im pleased to announce that after careful disassembly and examination, followed by careful reassembly and a few tests, the gun is working now. I worked with Donster125 and he recommended some tests for the aeg. We determined that the mechbox was functioning, as when held up to a piece of tissue suspended from the ceiling, and then firing the AEG, air escaping the barrel caused the tissue to jump. Not very professional, but it works. Then I manually loaded a single BB into the feeding tube, held the AEG upside down and fired in semi auto, the BB shot out. After all this, a mag was loaded and the BB's shoot, a little softer than i'd like, probaby due to battery draining.

Thanks for all the help!! Fantastic advice guys!!!


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Old October 24th, 2008, 18:56   #11
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So, it turns out that the "fix" didnt exactly last very long. Picked up my AK this afternoon, and once again, its not shooting. Pics coming soon. Maybe you guys could take a look and see if you notice anything weird?

Thansk guys,


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Old October 24th, 2008, 19:05   #12
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At the moment, the motor is working, it is making sound, I can feel the vibrations and the air comming out of the tip of the barrel. I think my issue might be a hop-up problem, but im really not sure. Any ideas?
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Old October 24th, 2008, 19:09   #13
Ktown Militia
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is the nozzle moving back and forth when you fire?
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Old October 24th, 2008, 19:14   #14
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Might need to shave off some of the BB retainer in the mags, maybe the hopup isn't pushing them out of the way far enough?

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Old October 24th, 2008, 19:16   #15
Ktown Militia
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hmmm, maybe take out the hopup assembly, and take a mag and see if bb's will feed into hopup.
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