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Old November 19th, 2008, 17:30   #1
BlackRain's Avatar
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Ok so I have browsing the forums for awhile now checking things out and have to ask about the age verification deal. I am age verified but have not yet seen the changes done to my account here. I noticed just how quickly someone got banned for using the age verified symbol as their avatar. So if a person can get banned that quickly then why can't the mods process the age verifications that quick? Now on to my second question.... in the non airsoft sales section it says I need to be age verified to view it. Well if it is non airsoft related then why does one need to be age verified to see it?

Thanks for the answers
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Old November 19th, 2008, 17:35   #2
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to all your answers, that's the way it is

No seriously maybe the one that did your AV hasn't sent the info to the mods yet
JAYHAD: Commander - Airsoft Assassins
distributing plastic death one nerd at a time
JOC Age Verifier
Originally Posted by kos View Post
I swear, I didn't find out about it till I got home from bangin' little miss rotten-crotch!
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Old November 19th, 2008, 17:36   #3
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Originally Posted by BlackRain View Post
Ok so I have browsing the forums for awhile now checking things out and have to ask about the age verification deal. I am age verified but have not yet seen the changes done to my account here. I noticed just how quickly someone got banned for using the age verified symbol as their avatar. So if a person can get banned that quickly then why can't the mods process the age verifications that quick? Now on to my second question.... in the non airsoft sales section it says I need to be age verified to view it. Well if it is non airsoft related then why does one need to be age verified to see it?

Thanks for the answers
For the age verification process, I believe a person has to reveiw the verification and apply it to your account, Keep in mind, there are many people trying to get age verified, Or waiting to be given their AV Status and it simply cannot be done within a few hours, it might take a week or less, depends. as far as banning someone, thats just a click and a flick and the problem is gone. ASC would explode if it took a week or two to ban someone

Last edited by Strelok; April 11th, 2011 at 11:15..
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Old November 19th, 2008, 17:36   #4
A-56 aka Mr.Hitman
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Originally Posted by BlackRain View Post
Ok so I have browsing the forums for awhile now checking things out and have to ask about the age verification deal. I am age verified but have not yet seen the changes done to my account here. I noticed just how quickly someone got banned for using the age verified symbol as their avatar. So if a person can get banned that quickly then why can't the mods process the age verifications that quick? Now on to my second question.... in the non airsoft sales section it says I need to be age verified to view it. Well if it is non airsoft related then why does one need to be age verified to see it?

Thanks for the answers

For the Age Verification, it's in the process, and the Age Verifiers' responsibility to process it on to ASC. He or she may be busy, and probably haven't submitted it.
There are 2 different roles.
Admins, and thread mods. One that manages everything, and one that cleans up threads, and looks for rules that are broken.

Also for your second question, it's a good question but haven't been asked for awhile. Reasons are, some guys here buy pellet guns too, and they sell them off in the Non-related airsoft.
Another one is to keep spammers out, especially those GSM phone ads, and the "shoes" ad spammers.
Then there can probably be other visitors who would sign up, to get their unwanted shit sold here.

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Old November 19th, 2008, 17:37   #5
Looking for form T-whatev
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Only certain staff can update your age verification. any of the staff can ban. NAR is age verified because it cuts down on the spam and it was brought in as part of the AV system. plus there are certain items that are 18+ (such as video games) for sale in there.
Nothing to see here
May you live in interesting times.
ASCMART, your smart choice
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Old November 19th, 2008, 17:38   #6
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Originally Posted by BlackRain View Post
Ok so I have browsing the forums for awhile now checking things out and have to ask about the age verification deal. I am age verified but have not yet seen the changes done to my account here. I noticed just how quickly someone got banned for using the age verified symbol as their avatar. So if a person can get banned that quickly then why can't the mods process the age verifications that quick? Now on to my second question.... in the non airsoft sales section it says I need to be age verified to view it. Well if it is non airsoft related then why does one need to be age verified to see it?

Thanks for the answers
Before I respond may I ask when you met with the AV rep and how long they told you it would be before you are added?

When the elephants fight, it is bad for the grass. When the elephants make love, it is also bad for the grass.
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Old November 19th, 2008, 17:42   #7
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Originally Posted by BlackRain View Post
Ok so I have browsing the forums for awhile now checking things out and have to ask about the age verification deal. I am age verified but have not yet seen the changes done to my account here. I noticed just how quickly someone got banned for using the age verified symbol as their avatar. So if a person can get banned that quickly then why can't the mods process the age verifications that quick? Now on to my second question.... in the non airsoft sales section it says I need to be age verified to view it. Well if it is non airsoft related then why does one need to be age verified to see it?

Thanks for the answers
I just processed a bunch of new verified users and did not see your name on the list. Talk to your verifier and get him to submit your info. Without that, there's not much I can do.

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Old November 19th, 2008, 17:47   #8
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Thanks for the answers to the questions... Lawdog.... I met my rep a couple of days ago and he told me it can go fast or slow depending on how many are waiting to be done etc. So I am in no hurry that way so to speak I was more interested in learning why a ban could happen so quickly as to how slow the age verification process is.

New Question

Is the age verification so slow due to the need for more staff and or sheer volume of verifications? If it is a staffing issue is there a way to help out on that end once verified to help with the overload?

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Old November 19th, 2008, 17:52   #9
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Originally Posted by BlackRain View Post
New Question

Is the age verification so slow due to the need for more staff and or sheer volume of verifications? If it is a staffing issue is there a way to help out on that end once verified to help with the overload?

That's not an issue with the board and the system... you'll need to talk to your rep and ask him why he hasn't submitted your info yet. There is no overload. On a "bad" day, we get 10 verification submissions. That can be processed in less than 5 minutes.

But it is up to your verifier to get the details in.

Also realize that the verifiers are doing this on their spare time to help their hobby and community. They're not being paid for this. They get a couple of forum benefits out of it, but beyond that, you have to realize they are volunteering their own time for this. Be patient.
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Old November 19th, 2008, 20:05   #10
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The reason this AV was slow was I forgot his info in my friend's car last night. I just entered it, so hopefully he'll get access soon. Again, my bad. I'll accept 10 lashes, but only if it's Jessica Biel lashing
Whiskey Tango Foxtrot?

Age Verifier for Trenton/Belleville area. PM me.
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Old November 19th, 2008, 20:12   #11
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And now you've been verified, BlackRain.
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