Originally Posted by TCLP
Agreed. with my suppressor my G&G CQB-R is 26" and the suppressor is about 3" of that. And I only have played outdoor thus far. And its stock except the cylinder was changed to the correct porting and I was ranging about the same as a stock G&G m16, Which is uh.... well.... alot longer. Also its the player behind the gun that matters more than the gun itself. I have only ever owned one AEG that has had a inner barrel longer 300mm. I've had an MP5(227mm), P90(247mm), MP7(as a primary)(215mm), and now my CQB-R(275mm).
I effectively fielded my AK with 229mm inner barrel outdoors. Stock Marui internals shooting 245fps w/ .25's. Sure I was out ranged by a couple of other guns but was still able to reach out and touch people with little effort.
Now I've also played indoors recently with it and had a report that I might have given a small bleeder with the exact same setup at 40ish feet from a ricochet. I had more than enough to reach out and touch considering my shots were crossing the indoor field absolutely straight. I know a lot of other guns were a lot hotter but had no issues.
What it comes down to is having a gun setup properly, knowing your guns limitations and how to use it effectively.