Well I got her working all perfectly! The slide catch looked to be engaged but there is a small button if you will that had to be released to have the catch fully engaged into the correct position. Something the sales staff never went through. My wife tells me they showed her all about it...and when it didnt lock they said not to worry that it isnt a big deal.
Thank you everyone for all your great imput and help!!!!
I will look into the hydro as I think that would look pretty badass. Now just to pick the pattern.
Also if I should wish to ever change the slide is that a part that is compatible and changeable?
Again all the help is greatly appreciated!
Originally Posted by OM3GA
If you can manually lock back the slide (rack slide to the rear and make sure the slide catch engages) with no mag inserted then the problem lies within the magazine itself. There is a little tab on the BB follower that pushes the slide catch up when the magazine is empty.
If that isn't the issue there is a good chance the slide catch is worn (unlikely) or a slight manufacturing defect. It will take standard TM Hi-Capa parts with little to no modification if the catch is the issue.