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I can't access the FAQ thread so this might be out of place, V2 questions



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Old December 30th, 2010, 19:04   #1
Join Date: Dec 2010
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I can't access the FAQ thread so this might be out of place, V2 questions

Hello everyone, greetings from Musashi. I have never made a thread post or forum post without getting bashed and yelled at and made fun of for either not putting a period at the end of my sentences or just having an admin being mean. I have joined many airsoft forums out there and each one being the same, I just get bashed for absolutely no reason and when I speak out I get permanently banned completely. Sounds fair right? well I stopped posting for a long time until one of my friends told me at a game about this forum, he said that he had the same experience with other forums until he found this one, he said the people here are really nice and will help with anything, sounds right up my ally so here I go again.

I am currently writing a book, I plan for it to be released sometime the end of this year or next year maybe but I'm not in a big rush. This isn't one of those things where people start a few pages and then stop, I've gotten over 80,000 words last time I checked from Microsoft Word and something like 200 pages of writing done so far. Yes this is a huge project and I've been working on it mainly alone for over three years but I have come to the point where I need help. I'm not the kind of person where I wont ask for help when I need it but I really need it, because even I need things that I don't know about for this book. Which is basically an extremely huge end all for everything to do with airsoft from what kind of games you can play, to the respect factor on and off the field (as you can see above I've had plenty of experience in it) to an entire dictionary of terminology and how to make flags for capture the flag and fun facts and of course, step by step instructions on everything. Because I don't know of anything like this (at least when I started) and I got frustrated a lot when I first started out so I put all my effort into this publication. So what do I need?.

I need several things, for one I need someone who can draw very well to do some specific drawings for me with permission to use them in my book, I've gotten hold of a company that will publish my book and has taught me a lot about publishing it and its very difficult to do so with pictures taken off the internet, so I need it to be original. Even if there are many hundreds of thousands of pictures of lets say a V2 gearbox I can't use them. But that's not all, I also need to talk one on one with a technical wizard about airsoft guns, or more than one if I can even get that many to volunteer. I promise that everyone who volunteers and helps me will get a huge thank you and their name written in golden in big letters in this book and their name known throughout the community along with a personally signed copy of my book, Just because its that important to me that I get volunteers to help with this project that I've staked countless hours of sweat and toil unto and I need help. Please either send me a PM on here (you can use my email but I'm afraid it will go to junk since I get about 200+ emails of junk a day not all of them junk) or just reply down below, please don't bash me because I'm new, as I wrote in my book "There is nothing wrong with being new, there IS something wrong with not trying to change it though" so gimme a reply and lemme know if you wanna volunteer, don't whine about the length of this message because as you can see it took this long to brief you about the situation. I know I didn't really get into detail about what I need but its because I was told to be extremely closed about my book due to copy writes and the amount of time I've spent on this book I need to be incredibly closed doors on just about everything, even stuff like what I need, this isn't to say that I wont tell anything but I need to know that this is the right site to even discuss it in further details. So thanks everyone that has read and a bigger thanks to ANYONE THAT WISHES TO VOLUNTEER TO MAKE AIRSOFT A BETTER SPORT!.
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Old December 30th, 2010, 19:56   #2
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Well for gun techs, you can be sure to check out the Doctor's Corner part of our forum, that's where a lot of the magic happens; or you can speak to a retailer about perhaps getting a V2 gearbox manual or such
Proud Member of the Strelok society

Whoa guy with the thumb rings, save some pussy for the rest of us

Welcome to Bed Bath and Beyoncé, if you find anything you like, put a ring on it.

What idiot called them Black Bears instead of African Abearicans
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Old December 30th, 2010, 21:39   #3
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Location: A town you never heard of, Florida, its not as warm as advertised
Hey thanks! so your suggesting I should post different types of help in the different forum threads depicting that kind of help such as technical help in the tech threads, alright makes sense thanks a lot, I'll be seeing who else replies to the thread before I go making any decisions, thanks again for replying and even more for being mature about it. Maybe its just me and most people here are mature but that's just so different than everything else I've ever seen. Anyway thanks!
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Old December 30th, 2010, 21:58   #4
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Best way to learn about mechboxes is to open one and fiddle with it.

Also check They have lots of video tutorials.

Vérificateur d'age Mauricie
Originally Posted by Strelok View Post
So you're saying we cannot engage in a hobby once we are older?

Children these days.
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Old December 30th, 2010, 23:05   #5
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Originally Posted by Musashi View Post
Hey thanks! so your suggesting I should post different types of help in the different forum threads depicting that kind of help such as technical help in the tech threads, alright makes sense thanks a lot, I'll be seeing who else replies to the thread before I go making any decisions, thanks again for replying and even more for being mature about it. Maybe its just me and most people here are mature but that's just so different than everything else I've ever seen. Anyway thanks!
The community tends to reply maturely to mature well thought-out threads. And you're welcome, feel free to ask questions at your leisure, the community is more than a wealth of information if you can't access the FAQs for any reason
Proud Member of the Strelok society

Whoa guy with the thumb rings, save some pussy for the rest of us

Welcome to Bed Bath and Beyoncé, if you find anything you like, put a ring on it.

What idiot called them Black Bears instead of African Abearicans
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Old December 31st, 2010, 02:55   #6
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Musashi? Cool name. He is such a badass, the Chris Costa AND Chuck Norris combined of the Sengoku period if you will.

I can offer up some of my time, don't know how much I can be of help though but it's always nice to help out a person who authors maturely and well thought out threads. Plus if you have backing of a publishing company and have been shown some of the ropes and this just needs to be finished before being "taped out" and sent to the publisher for printing then it sounds like a lot of time was already invested into this.

Sending PM now.

One thing though..... what about using images that fall under Creative Commons/Stock photo licenses? If I can get some dimensions and a reference pic I could probably whip up a really simple drawing of a mechbox in AutoCAD.
ಠ_ಠLess QQ more Pew Pew

Last edited by L473ncy; December 31st, 2010 at 02:57..
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Old December 31st, 2010, 10:07   #7
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Originally Posted by L473ncy View Post
Musashi? Cool name. He is such a badass, the Chris Costa AND Chuck Norris combined of the Sengoku period if you will.
Fucking right, that's why I have this tattoo on my left arm, surrounded by the Go Rin No Sho kanji!

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Old January 6th, 2011, 21:25   #8
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Location: A town you never heard of, Florida, its not as warm as advertised
Thanks everyone, for replying, and for those who PM'd me, sorry it took longer than expected to reply. I have a toothache so that's all that needs to be said for reason.
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