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Motor is turning but nothing happens. ( TM MP5 SD5 )


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Old May 30th, 2005, 19:53   #1
Starman33's Avatar
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Motor is turning but nothing happens. ( TM MP5 SD5 )

Hi, I recently bought an TM MP5 SD5

I was testing my 3 new Mid-cap and remarked that the gun hadn't a good "sound" also, the balls weren't firing regularly.

I took out the Mag thinking that it was it who caused that problem and checked out in the feed tube

I could see that the little pushing rod (or bolt) wans't completely backward.

I again thought that it was the Mag's fault, so I fired one shot to see if the bolt would replace itself on the next cycle. It Didn't, the bolt didn't replaced itself exactly at the same place, but rather than that it would just stay around the middle of the way.

Fired about 20 shot to see if it was doing it all the time and the bolt was looking free on the mechanism, and only the airflow was moving it. Making the bolt bouncing freely on the gun.

And finally, I tried to test-fire again, but the bolt didn't moved at all. The motor is turning but it's like if there was a broken/unplaced piece between the motor and the rest of the gun. The motor is completely independent now and when it shoot I can hear it turning but no other mechanic is moving.

Anyone had this problem before ?

Any solutions ?

If it's a unplaced piece, could you tell me how to fix it ?

Thanks alot


EDIT : Finally, I repaired it myself, it was the spur gear who was stripped, Buyed another one from Dentrinity Shop, greased it all and everything was perfect. And when all my gun was disassembled, I installed an thicker barrel
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Old May 30th, 2005, 20:25   #2
666's Avatar
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Location: Toronto, Ontario
"Bolt" is called air nozzle. It looks like tappet plate broke. You have to take that MP5 to the gun doctor because it looks like piece that broke off jammed gears.
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Old June 2nd, 2005, 06:48   #3
PoFF's Avatar
Join Date: Dec 2001
Location: Laval, QC
Salut Starman,

De la manière que tu nous décris ça, ca pourrait être plusieurs choses, mais ca reste que dans tous les cas, c'est un problème relativement sérieux.

Les choses qui pourraient ne pas marcher :
1. Tappet Plate Cassée : ce qui expliquerait pourquoi le nozzle ne bouge pas
2. Piston cassé ou strippé : ce qui expliquerait pourquoi il n'y a pas d'air qui est pompé.
3. Une ou plusieurs gears strippées : même explication qu'en haut
4. Pinion gear séparée du shaft du moteur : même chose.

Si jamais tu viens Ã* la game chez Slim en fin de semaine, je pourrai jeter un oeil et je pourrai te dire ce qui marche pas. Je pourrai probablement pas le réparer sur place parce que je vais manquer de temps et je n'aurai pas les pièces nécessaires.
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