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G&G F2000 OR Ares M1 TAR 21?


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Old July 10th, 2012, 20:32   #1
Smodes's Avatar
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Thumbs up G&G F2000 OR Ares M1 TAR 21?

Trying to decide which gun to get I really like both of these but if there is anyone out there who has tried these guns let me know what you think!
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Old July 10th, 2012, 20:36   #2
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Niether. Get a Scar-L like a boss!
VFC preferably!

They're alot more versatile and they're not your regular M4 and There's a pile of kit you can still attach to them.

Edit: On topic I would not go for a bullpup design. The ergonomics blow and if you're going to be using it to game you'll probably be buying a non-bullpup pretty quickly. I would just save the money personally.
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Last edited by Ozone06; July 10th, 2012 at 20:51.. Reason: Trying to be on topic
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Old July 10th, 2012, 21:05   #3
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OK that was actually one of the other guns i was looking at well that and the scar Heavy (VFC) high en model is on sale at toronto airsoft so i may just go with that if thats what everyone recommends. thanks for the infor Ozone06
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Old July 10th, 2012, 21:10   #4
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Don't get the Heavy though! They're proprietary mags!!! The mags are pricey and only the VFC ones work.
Go for the light they take the standard TM mags. If you're part of a unit and run out of ammo anyone with a standard M4 can toss you a mag and you're back up... The VFC heavy... you're SOL or need to go to your secondary.
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Old July 10th, 2012, 21:22   #5
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G&G F2000s are pretty awesome, but their downfall is that the fire selector will eventually stop functioning for semi and there's no real way to fix it.
If you're okay with gradually being restricted to burst fire only, that's not a problem, but with squishy bullpup triggers being as lazy as they are you won't be able to manage the same kind of precision that you can with systems where the trigger has direct contact with the block.
I'll agree on the recommendation of a SCAR-L over the H, it's the same gun with 100% less hassle mag wise and 100% more support for your armalite-toting buddies.
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Old July 10th, 2012, 21:27   #6
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Wow never heard of the G&G f2000 having that issue that kind of ruins the gun...espically with no way of fixing it. It seems that the more people I talk to recommend the Scar and now talking to you guys I know to get the light. I thank you for the information and helping a new player get started time to find me a good Scar-L (Ill search for VFC as the recommendation from Ozone06)
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Old July 10th, 2012, 23:38   #7
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I own:

- G&G F2000 Hunter - great range, shoot hard right out of the box, telescope works well with goggles on, easy to take around in the field, excellent finishing.

- Ares Tar 21 has good finishing, shoot hard right out of the box, need to tune the hop up for better range.

- VFC Scar H is has great range and accuracy right out of the box. I managed to get the one with correct full markings with a manufacturer hard gun case + silencer. The magazine catch needs some work in order to hold the magazine in place.

All of them are not that bad. Just buy the one you like most.

Last edited by Swattiger; July 11th, 2012 at 09:03..
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Old July 11th, 2012, 05:36   #8
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I agree with that sentiment, the F2000 selector issue comes from experience with rentals which by all means had been put through much more abuse than a typical AEG in a collection of AEGs will ever see. You could correct the problem easily, though not cheaply, by installing a MOSFET.
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Old July 11th, 2012, 05:50   #9
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Get the TAR, i'm assuming it's the ARES one, it's amazing although not many will agree, I had a chance to use it for a game, it shoots like amazing out of the box, I'm a real fan of Ares products, downside is I think the Gearbox is proprietary. It's also VERY comfortable to hold.
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Old July 11th, 2012, 10:41   #10
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Don't listens to other people's opinion on gun type because you will like different things.

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Old July 11th, 2012, 11:45   #11
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My friend loves the G&G F2000, painted his Multicam But he got the same problem with the selector switch, now it's stuck on full auto. I have the VFC Scar L, I love it but you have to buy a metal hinge for the stock because the plastic one wont last.
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Old July 11th, 2012, 12:30   #12
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I own a TAR-21 by Ares. Here's my 2 cents:
- Poor air seal out of the box, can be somewhat remedied by changing the nozzle (M4 type)
- Proprietary gearbox and hop up
- Some issues with fire selector modes (sticks like a lot of other bull pups would) there's a fix that involves sanding a part inside the mechbox
- Poorly placed mag release (putting a stronger spring may help with this issue)
- Ergonomically, it feels good to me
- Crappy iron sights, non-removable as well
- Quick change spring is nice
- Working on the gearbox is easy (a small pain to remove it from the body, but once you get used to, its better than working on V2s)
- Issues with piston compatibility (due to the design of the mechbox)
- I like the finish, it feels durable, and I've put mine through crap
- Rubber on the butt stock wears a bit quick

Overall I had to put some more money into my TAR to get it up to par. Now it shoots very smooth.

Best bet for choosing a new gun is to go and handle them yourself (preferably stock so you know what you're getting).
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Old July 16th, 2012, 19:51   #13
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Wow guys thanks for all the insight, you have all given me a lot to think about I appreciate the honesty. my friend has me looking at a Echo 1 M4, a classic Army m4, Umarex HK ump 45 and a echo 1 ak 47 redstar. If anyone has any info on these ( I have watched reviews online) and which choice would be a the best please let me know. Thanks
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Old July 16th, 2012, 20:11   #14
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If the Classic Army M4 is a sportline (ie, costs less than 400 bucks), I don't recommend any of the four guns you listed.

I get that they're cheaper, but remember that you get what you pay for. They're not as well built, internals are prone to breakage, and in general will require a lot more work/money before they can be reliable
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Last edited by ap27; July 16th, 2012 at 20:16..
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Old July 16th, 2012, 20:45   #15
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Ok so looks like Ill stay away from those guns then if its recommended. only reason I was looking at them was because a friend was telling me that I should start with something cheap but like you said if im just going to be dumping money into a cheap gun I should just save and get a nice one. Looks like either the FN f2000 or a scar-L for sure now. have you heard any review on the Dboys scar-l by chance?
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