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Brass eagle selling soft air guns



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Old August 3rd, 2005, 01:21   #1
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Brass eagle selling soft air guns

Sorry if this was already posted but I just noticed it on another site and figure I'd mention it here.

Brass Eagle, LLC., a K2 Inc.(NYSE: KTO) Company, announced today that it has entered into an exclusive agreement with Cybergun S.A. (EURONEXT:CYB) based in Bondoufle, France and it’s subsidiary Soft Air USA, Inc. for the distribution of its branded and licensed Airsoft products to traditional paintball dealers in both the U.S. and International markets.

Lynn Scott, President of Brass Eagle, stated “We are excited about the potential that this new relationship brings to our business. The Airsoft category has shown tremendous growth over the past few years and we look for this to continue. We are providing paintball dealers direct access to the leading brands and products in the Airsoft industry today which will complement and enhance their overall product assortment.”

Jerome Marsac, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Cybergun, commented “Our exclusive partnership with the leading company in Paintball will allow us to greatly expand distribution and service to our customer base. Paintball and Soft Air enthusiasts are similar in many ways. It was natural to create a business partnership between Brass Eagle and Cybergun in order to offer the largest choice to both end users.”

Cybergun S.A and it’s subsidiary Soft Air USA, Inc. market Airsoft products under the Cybergun Brand and via exclusive worldwide licenses from Smith & Wesson, Desert Eagle, P. Beretta, UZI, FAMAS, Taurus, Tanfoglio, Mauser, DPMS Panther Arms, Thompson, Swiss Arms, SIG ARMS, SIG SAUER, Kalashnikov and Mossberg.

Brass Eagle, LLC., based in Bentonville, Arkansas, USA is the worldwide leader in the manufacturing, marketing and distribution of a full-line of paintball products under the Worr Game Products, JTUSA, Viewloader and Brass Eagle brands. For Soft Air USA products, contact WGP/JT USA dealer sales in Corona, California at (800) 587-2246.


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Old August 3rd, 2005, 01:49   #2
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Right on.
This means we'll be seeing a whole new selection at Canadian Tire!
I can barely withhold my joy!!

*sarcasm alert*


unless of course my predisposed views of Brass Eagle have me fooled. In which case we can expect a "whole new selection of crap-ass AEG's!!"
I can barely withhold my joy.
so we go on with our lives,
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why go against tradition when you can,
admit defeat, live in decline,
be the victim of our own design,
the status quo, built on suspect,
why would anyone stick out thier neck?
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Old August 3rd, 2005, 01:50   #3
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Lynn Scott, President of Brass Eagle, stated “We are excited about the potential that this new relationship brings to our business. The Airsoft category has shown tremendous growth over the past few years and we look for this to continue. We are providing paintball dealers direct access to the leading brands and products in the Airsoft industry today which will complement and enhance their overall product assortment.”
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
HAHAHAHA "Leading brands and products" my ass

sorry for the use of the LOL emoticon
Current Arsenal: TM AK-47, KSC G19 Heavy Weight, 2 Academy TMP Springers
Owned previously: KJ Vertec M9 Elite, Two no name m9 springers
Current Project Gun: TM M14 OD, awaiting upgrade parts.
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Old August 3rd, 2005, 02:12   #4
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OMG, I can see the headlines now "Kid Shot Dead with Airsoft Gun" or my personal fav "Replica Weapons resualt in death"

Ottawa's Local Airsoft Site:
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Old August 3rd, 2005, 02:39   #5
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Cybergun S.A and it’s subsidiary Soft Air USA, Inc. market Airsoft products under the Cybergun Brand and via exclusive worldwide licenses from Smith & Wesson, Desert Eagle, P. Beretta, UZI, FAMAS, Taurus, Tanfoglio, Mauser, DPMS Panther Arms, Thompson, Swiss Arms, SIG ARMS, SIG SAUER, Kalashnikov and Mossberg.

THAT is the reason we can't get full trades on out QUALITY AEGs, GBBs, etc.
because the real steal manufacturers decided to sign with an inferior company, with an inferior product????

ah $%#%
Originally Posted by MadMorbius View Post
Give your head a shake, man. You don't jump out of a shaky car so you can ride in one that's on fire.
Originally Posted by Duff_Man_in_CADPATs
I also noticed for the first time that Bod sounds a lot like Jango Fett.
Originally Posted by Strelok View Post
I like the part where he got banned.
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Old August 3rd, 2005, 02:44   #6
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Has anyone every used one of there products? Some of them dont look half bad, but maybe its just because of all the real steel markings.
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AK47, M4A1, SR15 SpecOps, Sig 552, G26, Para .45, MP5K, MP5K PDW, MK1 Carbine, M8000 Cougar, M93R, and 8mm Derringer.
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Old August 3rd, 2005, 03:50   #7
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Originally Posted by Jackals
OMG, I can see the headlines now "Kid Shot Dead with Airsoft Gun" or my personal fav "Replica Weapons resualt in death"

Exactly what I was thinking. But to add one thing if it wasnt bad enought they could get the see through pistols and paint them now they can buy a "cheap" M4 look alike so cops dont have to decipher the real from the not they'll just shoot then look at the gun or like in the Burnaby one when the guy goes for his gun b/c of a "language barrier" hell get shot instead of disturbing the peace style charges.


My god what people will sacrifce for money.
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Old August 3rd, 2005, 04:25   #8
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if there ak74m is actually decent i'll laugh because it will be the only affordable model of said gun, aside from the other one that ics is making
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Old August 7th, 2005, 15:16   #9
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Classic army will also be making an ak74 so dont let your hopes be crushed just yet.

Cybergun is the devil btw.
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Old August 7th, 2005, 16:07   #10
made Man
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Brass Eagle and quality should NOT be used in the same sentense... unless it also includes "CRAP" and variation of it.
Think CYMA of paintball world 8-O
You dont choose who you love, love chooses you; and that little fucking son of a bitch sticks itself to your face like the godless bloodsucking bastards in Alien and refuses to let go until it has drained your soul and left you an empty shell of a human being.

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<^cell^> do you have an appointment?
<axel026> im french
<^cell^> i see... thats a terrible disorder
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Old August 7th, 2005, 16:17   #11
Glock 18
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Some of those springer pistols look rather real, going to be scarey to see kids getting there hands on them. :|
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Old August 7th, 2005, 23:31   #12
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From what it looks like, Cybergun and TM are partnered on their line of guns. It seams that Cybergun is merely re-marketing AEG TM guns under their name. Even rumors suggest joint operations between ICS and Cybergun for a new line of armalites, go HERE for information. This is not the case for springers, the springers look like crap, but the AEG's seem to be TM or at least exact ripoffs.

Lets look at the evidence: go HERE and check out the Cybergun stats on a FAMAS, an EG-560 Motor? That sounds pretty TM to me... Even the provided technical diagrams are exactly the same, Cyber gun just took the TM gun diagram and spread the parts out. Goto HERE for Cybergun FAMAS tech. and goto HERE for the TM tech. manual. Look at the included picture to see a direct comparison. Of course, BOTH technical diagrams are also in Japanese...

I could be wrong. Cybergun could have bought access to the TM molds, electronics, and technical data and made their own guns... If someone has any information that can affirm or counter this, it would be appreciated, because if BrassEagle/Cybergun is merely importing TM guns to Canada, then I support this. What I don't support is selling them in Walmart or Canadian Tire, because everyone is right, these should not be sold to parents of minors in an easily accessible box store setting with no responsibility.
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Old August 8th, 2005, 00:02   #13
Raw Deal
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You would think that TM had hop up trademarked. The logo looks pretty much the same...?? Many quality Japanese products are sold to American companies, only to be poorly?/cheaply reproduced. Try comparing J gundam models to the ultra cheesy Us versions. :x:
Gary Paul Johnston: on selecting a new MEU (SOC) 1911 pistol-Whatever happens,there's no doubt that a "few good men" will once again carry the finest combat pistol in the world and we can only pray that a lot of bad men will regret it.

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Old August 8th, 2005, 00:43   #14
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in this 1991 promotional video, it looks like the hopup is patented, er.. something patented, i cannot read japanese, its about 6:30 into the video
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Old August 8th, 2005, 00:54   #15
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It seems a lot of you aren't familiar with Cybergun; they're a European distributor, basically, nothing more. You'll notice, if you click the Cybergun website link in trufret's post, that the KWC Mini Uzi, some Maruzen shotguns, Marushin revolvers, and ICS AEGs are there (you can even see the ICS logo on some of the boxes, and in the product name).

I'd compared Cybergun to something like a European MFI Airsoft, minus a layer or two of bullshit. So it sounds like SoftAir USA just wants to tap into Brass Eagle's market.

I have a hard time conceiving any of it would make it into Canada, or you'd be finding ICS AEGs at Canadian Tire.
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