I am planning on heading down to a large American Milsim game in 2016 and one of the tips I've received for crossing the border was to ensure your weapons have a unique identifier to accompany the Y38 form. Essentially Cdn Customs wants to ensure the weapon you have, which was bought in Canada, is the same weapon that you are returning to Canada with on your trip home.
Neither of the weapons I plan to bring have serial numbers so I decided to laser etch a logo onto them to serve as the identifier. The end result on the M4 was this:
The work was done by a guy in Stoney Creek running a side business in his basement. Julian of
http://innovationengraving.com/services/ asked a very fair price and took the time to do a great job. All in all, the look is very professional and the customer service was well above average.
If anyone has the need of any laser etching please give him a look. He does nice work.