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The price of used stuff!



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Old February 15th, 2006, 00:40   #1
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The price of used stuff!

I can not believe the price of the used stuff on this forum. Now I know never complian about a price but... ONce it's bought, IT'S USED!!!!!!!!
I bought a brand new guitar, changed the strings and the pickups and basicaly made it work and sound better and the dealer at the store said tuff. It's used. After speaking with a car sales man he explained to me that once a car has been bought and paid for if you turn around and I mean right around and return it to the dealership it is automaticaly five grand less. It's used! I purchased a gbb about four months back fielded it in maybe 12 games the thing is still in like new condition but it is now used. So I sold it for a reasonably used price and it moved faster than I could have imagined. I don't think these things appreciate in value as time goes on and I could be wrong but c'mon we're not talking about Davici' or Michealangelo' here. I know I'm gonna get attacked here but I seriously want to hear from all of you. So please let'r rip.

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Old February 15th, 2006, 00:46   #2
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Old February 15th, 2006, 00:56   #3
Brian McIlmoyle
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This why I don't buy used,

I have heard far too many stories about used goods misrepresented and sold for new price, only to turn out to be junk.

I think that some people prey on the newbs... sell them stuff that has been ridden hard and put away wet, for prices that if they kicked in a few bucks more you could get NIB.

It is buyer beware.. though... If you chose to buy used...there is usually a reason someone is trying to off load the goods, and it is unlikely they will tell you.

buy new from a reputable dealer.. then at least if it goes south you may have some recourse to recover.
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Old February 15th, 2006, 00:56   #4
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Some of the "deals" are just plain comical but if someone is willing to pay it then who am I to talk?

I like the ones that list some crazy sum and then add "flexible" as if they know they're going too far.
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Old February 15th, 2006, 01:00   #5
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I think that it has more to do with the fact that people on these boards buy the product in order to resell it. Since it's in a grey area, there really are very little registered dealers around so the community picks up the slack.
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Old February 15th, 2006, 01:07   #6
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Nothing to rip really. The demand of airsofts often outstrips the supply in Canada. As such, people can hold out for more and usually get it, worth it or not for their used items. If we lived in HK or even USA, its a different story.

I will add, I've purchased several things used now, and they've all needed attention shortly after purchase. Airsoft guns have a definate lifespan. If your not technically capable of restoring your purchase, I would definately advise against a used purchase, especially considering your point.
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Old February 15th, 2006, 01:08   #7
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I like it actually. Buy a gun, don't like the ergonomics or get tired of the look, then sell it. I've gone through half a dozen guns in half a year and still haven't lost money. Just shop carefully.
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Old February 15th, 2006, 01:23   #8
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Virtually all of my airsoft equipment is bought used. got some great deals on most, saved at least a couple hundred than if I got new. Some people just plink with the thing and then sell it off as used, which is almost as good as new. as Rico said, shop carefully and you'll be fine.
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Old February 15th, 2006, 01:39   #9
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3 out of the 4 AEGs I've purchased were used. No problems except the rear receiver tabs broke on the M4, but that's normal. My thoughts on why people charge and pay 90% of new value for used guns is because people want to try as many AEGs as they can before settling on the one they like best. So someone buys a new AEG for 500$, decides it's not for them after using it once and sells it for 450$. Second guy sees the gun he wants that's practically new for a saving of 50$. He realizes he may do the same thing as guy 1 and sell it soon after getting it. It's unlikely it will break in this short of time, and he can list it as "good as new" and probably sell it for 450$ again. He basically gets to try out a gun for free, whereas if he bought it new he would lose 50$. So it seems like a good idea to buy used rather than new. Of course it continues getting traded around and listed as good as new, and the price doesn't drop much. Everyone's happy until the guy who has it when it breaks.

Basically, if I was 100% sure I was going to keep the gun I'd definately buy new, if not then slightly used seems like the way to go, and seeing that I've sold 3 out of 4 AEGs I've owned, I've saved a lot of money by buying used, even made a profit off one gun.
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Old February 15th, 2006, 01:47   #10
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Most of the used guns come with more then what a new one comes with...and are priced accordingly. There are some packages or guns that are overpriced for what they offer..but most arn't that bad. How friggin cheap do you want to get a 'used' gun for? 250? 300? How much should be taken off? Compairing airsoft costs and resale to guitars and cars is apples to oranges. You can't go and buy airosoft like you can either of the other two. I'd find a better analogy.
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Old February 15th, 2006, 01:48   #11
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Old February 15th, 2006, 01:52   #12
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well my rule when i buy ANYTHING used is that i dont go anywhere thats not within a 2 hours drive. my next rule is ethier now the seller or get a chance to play around with the item in question cause thats the best way to get something done. then make sure that if the deal goes south that the seller would be welling to pay for some of the repairs or well let me return it. yes yes i now i'm a little bugy when it comes to used stuff but when i get boned outa 500 bucks in repairs cause the item that was being sold had some nice shit in it and didn't have the stuff when i got it in the mail then the seller disappered and was in BC that pretty much ruined it for me when it came to used items. but i may lay off when it comes to buying used cause if the seller does wrong i can just leave a little comment or post going where my item/money right.
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Old February 15th, 2006, 01:53   #13
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Saying somthing isnt worth "X" is just your opinion. Somthing is worth only what some one is willing to pay. If thats more than you would pay then peechy dont buy it. Obviously there is a market for used kit in canada i can only guess the money that changes hands on this board in any given week, but its got to be large.
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Old February 15th, 2006, 02:22   #14
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Ah yes but you will never sell a used apple or orange so the arguement IS the same. It matters little weather the deal goes south in the mix but more the asking price of a used item. Yes if some one is falsly describing thier item as good condition and it turns out it actualy needs more to make it work then that is bad. I have purchsed both new and used and I have no compliants as the people I bought from were forthcoming and honest in the description of the used items. My point is not the condition but more the price of a used item. if your item is well worn then the price should be set accordingly, as well if the item has been fielded once or twice can it merit a meagre twenty five bucks off?
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Old February 15th, 2006, 02:44   #15
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I agree with what your saying here. I was lucky. I bought a used gun, but it's served me perfectly. Like what was said before, it's simple supply and demand, we can't get airsoft in as easily as other countries, so guns are a kinda of rare commodity. I'm saying this relatively, compared to other things out there you can buy there not AS easy to get. Knowing this, people buy high and try to sell high. I think another reason is the market here. Nobody poor plays airsoft. So if they're willing to pay the high prices why change it.

My advice, like what the other people in this thread have said, be careful. If you don't like the prices don't buy'em. That's the best way to show them they're overcharging. I haven't bothered to get verified yet, so I'm limited to the parts section, but there's often ridicolous prices for that stuff too, most of it doesn't get sold.
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