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Questions for VFC HK417 GBBR veteran around here!


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Old December 28th, 2020, 12:11   #1
Join Date: Dec 2020
Questions for VFC HK417 GBBR veteran around here!

Hi guys,

long time reader ... first time poster here!

I just acquired a used VCF HK 417 GBBR and love the little beast. Few things need to be fixed, reason why I need to learn from you guys. I have few questions for you.

1. The charging handle is really shaky and loose. Is there a better alternative part that would fix this?

2. I read at few places that the week buffer spring would cause double feed (since the bolt bounce). My serial number starts by a 15 I think that my riffle could have the issue (read it was fixed in 2016). I saw some kits here and there on the net. But any of you guys could recommend one that you know works well as well as not affecting the feeding speed too much? There are always kits better than other, but I was not able to figure it out from my reading.

3. I am not a fan of the stock. Can I fit any AR15 stock on the 417 or I need to look for a specific standard?

4. I read that we could use a longer spring to have the magazine hold 40 rounds. Which one I could use and where I can find these?

5. Since shipping is quite expensive ...trying to bundle here. Is there any other parts you would consider a "must have" on the 417? I could try to order at the same time.

Thank you guys!
Frag2000 is offline   Reply With Quote
Old December 28th, 2020, 12:35   #2
Join Date: Feb 2017
Location: Toronto, Scarborough
for the charging handle never had an issue with the wobble mine is a gen2 of the gbbr.
(you can tell from gen 1 hop up is in the reciver and changed with a long hex screw, gen2 hop up is on the gas block)

2. i picked up a genuine hk mr762 buffer spring for like 20 cad but shipping was a pain then cut it down. with it un cut it was for sure removing the bolt bounce for the double feed but was too strong for mags to hold bolt lock.

3. unfortunately the 417 stock is proprietary with its thick buffer tube, so your best bet is looking for a g28 or 417 stock. if u got cash to throw take a look at i have a real steal stock on mine, they're sold out right now but the slim line stock has a way better profile.

4. cant help u here i like the 20 round mags for the realism

5. take a look at kicairsoft therye Taiwan based, wgcshop, bunnyworkshop? have a bunch of 417/g28 parts but be sure u know the canadian import laws so you wont have issues with getting your parts in,
EBR-Innis is offline   Reply With Quote
Old December 29th, 2020, 21:13   #3
Join Date: Dec 2020
Originally Posted by EBR-Innis View Post
for the charging handle never had an issue with the wobble mine is a gen2 of the gbbr.
(you can tell from gen 1 hop up is in the reciver and changed with a long hex screw, gen2 hop up is on the gas block)

2. i picked up a genuine hk mr762 buffer spring for like 20 cad but shipping was a pain then cut it down. with it un cut it was for sure removing the bolt bounce for the double feed but was too strong for mags to hold bolt lock.

3. unfortunately the 417 stock is proprietary with its thick buffer tube, so your best bet is looking for a g28 or 417 stock. if u got cash to throw take a look at i have a real steal stock on mine, they're sold out right now but the slim line stock has a way better profile.

4. cant help u here i like the 20 round mags for the realism

5. take a look at kicairsoft therye Taiwan based, wgcshop, bunnyworkshop? have a bunch of 417/g28 parts but be sure u know the canadian import laws so you wont have issues with getting your parts in,
Thanks for the answer EB-Innis

Another question came to my mind. Since the GBB version has quite a strong recoil, I guess I cannot put a airsoft / airgun scope on it. I do not want to put a huge scope, but a good hollo sight or short 4x scope. If you can recommend one, I am all ears!
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