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KWC mini Uzi or TM MP7


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Old April 10th, 2006, 22:01   #1
Join Date: Oct 2005
Location: Thornton, Ontario
Question KWC mini Uzi or TM MP7

First of all, one of these is going to be my first good* airsoft gun. I want to get the MP& because It looks cool, and it comes with everything. But, I wan to get the Uzi because it is really powerful, and it looks even cooler than the MP7.

The only thing thats stopping me from getting the Uzi is the 'cool down effect' I dont want to change the CO2 cylinder for every other magazine I use. Also, Does the high FPS mean I cant use it as a skirmishing weapon? :???:

Thanks alot,

*By 'good' I mean not a Crosman
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Old April 10th, 2006, 22:03   #2
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With that out of the way, the Mini UZI shoots between 450 and 500 fps. About the only place you'd be allowed to skirmish with that gun is Hong Kong.
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Old April 10th, 2006, 22:04   #3
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Dude for the price of the mp7 you could get a much better/skirmishable gun.

Don't even bother with that Uzi.


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Old April 10th, 2006, 22:08   #4
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You know, TM does make an actual full size UZI.

Though I don't think it's much for upgrades (IE. No heavy spring upgrades, the gearbox won't handle it), it will outdue the MP7 in most if not all ranges and it is battery opertated, not gas. Likely cheaper too.

Have you looked into that? There is a review on Arnie's.

The MP7 won't compete well against AEGs, other than indoors.

The KWC is just too powerful. You wouldn't be able to use that on any field in Canada.

As well as that, the CO2 cartriges do cost about $0.75 per... if you're only getting 30 or so shots, it will greatly increase your costs.
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Old April 10th, 2006, 22:22   #5
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So, basiacally, neither. Im going to look into the TM uzi. Im also looking into the TM FAMAS. Thanks alot guys!
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Old April 10th, 2006, 22:26   #6
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Originally Posted by adam_c
So, basiacally, neither. Im going to look into the TM uzi. Im also looking into the TM FAMAS. Thanks alot guys!
Just to give you a heads up, you picked the least upgradable airsoft guns ever made.


If you do plan to do any upgrades, you're likely better off to go with the UZI. The FAMAS tends to be more on the totally unupgradable. The UZI just has a weak mechbox, though, it is a V6 (?) like the Thompson, P90, etc. So it is upgradable....

Whatever you decide to take... Good luck! :salute:
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Old April 10th, 2006, 22:28   #7
Grim Fandango
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the mechbox in the TM UZI is made of plastic, and not that strong so I would recommend you keep it stock. The TM MP7 is not that bad. It's a complete package too, you get the gun, one mag, battery, charger and a silencer adaptor. That's a pretty good package for the price. The KWC uzi on CO2 would mean you can't use it in games, it's too powerful to use. The guns that are listed here would be best used in a CQB setting, so I would suggest the MP7. Or the MP5K is also good too.
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Old April 10th, 2006, 22:35   #8
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Hell, for a first gun, why not someting thats highly upgradable, durable, and simple? I think a TM AK-47 is for you (or a AKS or an AK Beta Spetznas...).

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Old April 10th, 2006, 23:56   #9
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Agreed. TM AK-47 full stock is a great starter gun.
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Old April 11th, 2006, 00:42   #10
Freedom Fighter
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Originally Posted by Gryphon
Agreed. TM AK-47 full stock is a great starter gun.
Can't beat it. The spetz is alright too but I'd suggest avoiding the 'S' as it can only take a small battery (internally). Batteries taped to the exterior of a gun just don't look all that hot as far as I'm concerned.

I do own the KWC Mini UZI and that gun actually kicks ass. You don't have to use CO2 in it. I have mags that take CO2 catridges and ones that take propane.
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Old April 11th, 2006, 01:18   #11
Grim Fandango
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I heard the KWC mini uzi had problems on propane, or maybe i'm thinking of something else. Anyways yeah if you want something more compact for indoor cqb games go for the AK beta spetz. If you want something gas powered you could go for a KSC M11 or HFC T77.
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Old April 11th, 2006, 04:52   #12
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Originally Posted by Kid
If you do plan to do any upgrades, you're likely better off to go with the UZI. The FAMAS tends to be more on the totally unupgradable.
A) You've owned a FAMAS? And you've attempted to upgrade it?


B) You've read ignorant bullshit on the web, haven't bothered doing your homework, and are now trying to make yourself sound salty by repeating it?

I'm gonna go with "B."

Fact: Given the field limits in Canada, the FAMAS is just about as upgradable as other AEGs. I wouldn't put an M120 in it. But I wouldn't put an M120 into a stock v2 either. But that's about the extent of the "unupgradability."

Freedom Fighter, what's the velocity like with Propane? And performance? Been debating getting those adapters for mine... Would love to be able to skirmish it.
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Old April 11th, 2006, 10:18   #13
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Salty and repeating it.

But if you can't replace the motor without heavy mods, can't replace the spring higher than a 120, low selection of any replacement parts, any aftermarket parts to my knowledge.

I mean.. my opinion is 'under-upgradable'.

Anyway, I have not owned one, and do to my biased standards of stay-away-from-TM, I likely won't own one.

CA all the way! Now get that AUG and G3 out!
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Old April 11th, 2006, 17:20   #14
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I did some chrony testing with a KWC mini uzi.

Using 0.25g BBs, first shot from the magazine and a brand new CO2 powerlet busted out a whopping 493fps.

That amount of energy is equivalent to ~560fps with 0.20g BBs.
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Old April 12th, 2006, 13:49   #15
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Originally Posted by Kid
But if you can't replace the motor without heavy mods, can't replace the spring higher than a 120, low selection of any replacement parts, any aftermarket parts to my knowledge.

I mean.. my opinion is 'under-upgradable'.

Well, personally I prefer the EG560HT to the EG700. Maybe it's a combination of the higher torque motor and the faster gearing in the FAMAS, but I just always felt it was performing better. (so it goes without saying, I was really happy to see the new EG1000S in my G36)

A spring stronger than a Systema M120 would pretty much put you over the legal field limits in Canada, hence why I think it's moot. I use a PDI140% in mine, I'm sure it would handle a 150% spring, too -- which combined with the long (~ M16-length) barrel would put you in the high 300 FPS range.

Piston and piston head are the same as v2/v3, Systema metal bushings fit, and that pretty much covers the bulk of common AEG upgrades people do.

Points against the FAMAS though, for a first gun, is a lot of plastic, and really hard to get to anything without disassembling the whole gun (and with screws going right into plastic, its not something you want to do carelessly). It also needs some disassembling and electical taping right out of the box, to kill the plastic on plastic squeeks. (but then again, so did my G36 )

I hope CA has gotten good. I'm looking at their soon-to-come AK74.
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