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m4/sr16 question



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Old September 7th, 2006, 19:28   #1
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m4/sr16 question

Hey all, I want to buy a m4a1 and turn it into a kind of sniper looking gun like this would I need the RIS versin with the rails to put a scope and bipod on it? I have seen some of the scope O rings that look like they just fit onto the handle and as for the bipod i have no clue, or the sr16 is that scope and bipod compatible out of the box? sry for the stupid question just dont want to buy the wrong gun, and thanks in advace for any info/help and please try and keep the newb flaming to a minimal. thanks ciao
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Old September 7th, 2006, 20:57   #2
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Yes you would need a Ris to mount a bipod and any bipod that is 20mm(weaver rail) compatible will work with the ris rails. The scope can be attched to the carry handle on the m4 and m16. But as try the review section and search m4 lots of goodies in there probably find all the answers you need.
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Old September 7th, 2006, 21:04   #3
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Looks kinda like Droc's SR-16. He'd be a good one to ask, as he's mounted a scope, bipod, etc. to his.

The picture you provided, having the scope mounted on top of the carry handle is bad form, you'll literally need to rest the buffertube/stock against your jawline in order to get a proper cheekweld and to even be able to see through the scope properly.
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Old September 7th, 2006, 22:01   #4
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Not to mention that said mounts do move easily, as when so much weight is put on the carry handles they tend to wiggle loose over extended use. Was one of the big issues the SEALS had with the rifle when they first came out. Needing to resight your gun everytime you come out of the bush from a mission was a major pain. Best to go with a high mount from the gun itself. Gets the lense down a little lower which will help with the check rest issue as well.

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Old September 7th, 2006, 22:07   #5
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Originally Posted by Dracheous
Not to mention that said mounts do move easily, as when so much weight is put on the carry handles they tend to wiggle loose over extended use.
A tiny dab of thread locker here and there stops that issue. For best results go with a RIS, metal body and Nitro Vo. Rail ... super sweet setup not to mention strong.
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Old September 7th, 2006, 22:14   #6
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Can I ask one question? Why do folks want to turn a smaller gun into a sniper gun when there are already fine sniper guns out there?

Let's see; you'd want a longer barrel, and other things, that are already standard on the full sized M16 (if you want an Armalite). The mechbox of the longer gun is already tuned for a longer barrel. You dont need to hide the barrel inside a silencer, which means you can use the silencer for it's purpose (somewhat). I could go on.

It's as bad for folks who want a sniper MP5. Am I the only one who does not get it?
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Old September 7th, 2006, 22:55   #7
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well I wanted a sort of multi purpose gun because I like sniping but I also liek cqb so i figured instead of buying to guns (which I cant afford :P ) buy either a m4 or sr16 which makes a decent sniper and also a cqb gun, im starting to lean towards the sr16 now though,
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Old September 7th, 2006, 23:37   #8
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the SR-16 would be better cause it was a rail-system on in and a full stock for a large battery and if your on a tight budget a large battery is prefect.
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Old September 8th, 2006, 07:23   #9
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The problem is that the barrel lenght and power needed for sniping pretty much kills the CQB option. It's one or the other.

How about you pick a gun like the SR16 and keep it simple for now? Then you have a gun that is pretty much useable in many settings. Go for sniping when you have money for a second gun that you can tweak to your needs.

It's never a good idea to buy, or build, a specialized for your first gun. You limit yourself too much.

PS, get age-verified.
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Old September 8th, 2006, 10:11   #10
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Well I thought that sniping in airsoft wasn't totaly based on distance seeing as how you can only get the bb so far, but also depends on like staying hidden ect... but maybe sniper isn't the right term, how bout sharp shooter lol, so even If I upgraded the spring to give it better dictance/accuracy it wouldn't be a good sniping gun? if so I guess I could pick up a reg m4 and also a vsr10 they arn't to $$$ or is there a way to turn a sr16 into a spr... like basicaly the only difference I see is the barrel...
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Old September 8th, 2006, 10:23   #11
you could just go with a SPR.

a sniper AEG doesnt have much use, since any Joe with any gun that shoots field limits can send BBs as far as you can.
Building a counter sniper isnt as fun as it sounds, since there arnt that many snipers, and most people just run assault anyways.

sniping in airsoft is overratted IMHO. Even the snipers will tell you to start as a regular guy and try sniping later.
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Old September 8th, 2006, 15:12   #12
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ya I know I might not love sniping thats another reason I wanted a multi purpose gun that I could use up close or from far, figured if i upgrade the spring to like 400fps it should shoot faily far but would 400fps be to high for cqb? with a ghille suit and all I thought it would make a decent sniper..
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Old September 8th, 2006, 15:48   #13
Originally Posted by jtf2sniper
ya I know I might not love sniping thats another reason I wanted a multi purpose gun that I could use up close or from far, figured if i upgrade the spring to like 400fps it should shoot faily far but would 400fps be to high for cqb? with a ghille suit and all I thought it would make a decent sniper..
CQB is generally stock(320fps)
400fps is generally the field limits for all but a few places.

Even upgraded rifles dont make great snipers. Since they are electric driven, they is alot of trigger lag, and even upgraded, their range is still not near as good as a sniper rifle. AEGs are loud.
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Old September 9th, 2006, 01:06   #14
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so you think it would be a better idea to buy a stock m4 for cqb and a vsr10 for sniping?
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Old September 9th, 2006, 09:02   #15
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I think you need to inform yourself about safety limits, and stick with a regular gun.
You are jumping from CQB, that requires low power, to wanting maximum limit power. Pick one or the other, or wait until you know more from experience.

When you dont know what you want, dont experiment.
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