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Would any of you consider buying a Barrett conversion kit?


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Old December 20th, 2006, 03:46   #1
propweaponry's Avatar
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Arrow Would any of you consider buying a fiberglass Barrett

Would any of you consider buying a Barrett
conversion kit if it was made out of resin or fiberglass if it was cheaper??

I will probably have a mold created by a company and I want to know
if people would actualy use that.

Also, what would be THE best airsoft to build it around?

I was considering the MP5, MP7, M4 & the PSG

Last edited by propweaponry; December 21st, 2006 at 02:51.. Reason: Update
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Old December 20th, 2006, 04:07   #2
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If it could be made affordable and wouldn't cost an armory to get it to shoot LIKE a sniper rifle and not just look like one. **cough** PSG-1 **cough**.

Then yeah a Barrett sniper would be a fun gun to have on the rack. I'd probably go for the M-95 before the M-82A1 though. Even though I prefer the look and size of the M-82, the actual ability to be able to move with the M-95 would be better. AND then I'll have myself a bull-up design I like and want . If not, well heck I think I can make a FAMAS look like one of those Halo 2 Assault rifles

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Old December 20th, 2006, 09:23   #3
Le Roi des poissons d'avril
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Depending on wich parts are made out of fiberglass and resin, yeah I'd be interested. But it must be usable as a sniper rifle.

I'd base it on a gas system to allow more usable fps.

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Old December 20th, 2006, 11:07   #4
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why don't you base it off a type 96?
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Old December 20th, 2006, 11:31   #5
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I would be more interesting in a good performance 50cal machine gun. The airsoft sniper cant often get enough range to make it overly worth while. Don't get me wrong i love my fully tuned vsr but in the end a machine gun that can keep peoples heads down is more useful. The 50cal sniper is awfully cumbersome for walking around with and properly deploying while still getting just a tiny bit of extra range.
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Old December 20th, 2006, 14:57   #6
Well, a pattern can cost a lot. Depending on the size and complexity, they don't come cheap.
I do pattern work for a few local metal shops, but we also make patterns for fiberglass spraying and plastic work.
An exterior shell is do-able, but if you want connecting pins, room for internals and such, your getting into more complex and expensive work.

But still, you would need a gun to build it over. If it was me, something cheap, gas powered with variable fps and a decent barrel. Like the KJW M700
but then your plowed in the pooper when it comes to magazines and the other mechanics of the gun.

With the current kits, you have metal kits that work. Honestly, they cost a boatload, but your not going to come even close to the quality of them with a homebrew kit. Keeping in mind, your going to go through a dozen or so prototypes atleast before you get something thats remotely workable...
Realistically, you need a gun to use inside the kit, and the final product specifications, and a designer to work it all out on computer. Google sketch isnt going to cut it. You need someone to work out the mechanics of the project with something like solidworks or Mastercam X....and those people dont come cheap.
Even if you made it a kit for an armalite, you have to build a receiver system from scratch....out of fiberglass....and even fiberglass needs machining if your after a quality project.

Its a big project, be sweet, but even with fiberglass, its gonna cost alot to get going...And like many of the other "made in canada" projects, more trouble then its worth.

If anyone has/gets a M95/M82 Id be happy to take patterns off it.
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Old December 20th, 2006, 17:45   #7
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I have most specs for the Barrett M82.
Like a few 1:1 scale prints and some measures.

Obviously, it would not be the same quality as the metal version, but it would probably be half the price of the Smokey's Barrett.

It's hard work, but I think it's worth it.

My idea for the conversion kit is to be able to fit a un-assembled
Mp5 smg directly in the Barrett, so you'd still be able to use your original weapon without the need of a donor airsoft.

I still have to figure out if a MP5 would fit directly into the Barrett.

Can anyone give me the lenght, width and height of a standard MP5 or silenced MP5?

This one would be to fit a PSG.
All you would do is take a few parts.


Last edited by propweaponry; December 20th, 2006 at 18:32.. Reason: Images
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Old December 20th, 2006, 20:32   #8
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Well, whether I see this materializing or not ... do not design it around a Version 2 mechbox. They are a shitty and very weak design. Version 3's are tough and much more readily available then those fugly V6 gearbox type guns.
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Old December 20th, 2006, 22:49   #9
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Are the sizes the same for the rifles?
If they have a different mechbox, but are the same size, their would be no problem, as you would simply slide your rifle or smg in.

You could use any version.
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Old December 21st, 2006, 00:34   #10
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No need to sprinkle cookie crumbs on v6 gearboxes: there are drawbacks and benefits in them. The v3s however have inherent auto-fire-on-semi problem.
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Old December 21st, 2006, 01:34   #11
bypass the motor in the handle issue and base it off the M14's V7 internals.
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Old December 21st, 2006, 02:53   #12
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I think it'd be MUCH less complex to just design the kit to hold its OWN mechbox, I'd suggest the V.3 as they are more durable than the V.2 and unlike the V.6 upgrades are more readily available.

I'd forget about trying to mold it to fit around a "donor" gun and make this more cost effective to the people buying it. Build it so that you can get the kit out with no internals to go with it, and then market an internals kit. That way you can sell the kit where a consumer such as my self can either get the the internals kit, or custom build our own boxes to fit.

Seriously the REAL costs to the M82's out there isn't the damn kit, mind you thats $1500-2500 for the kit ((last prices I saw)) and then you STILL gotta get a $400-500 gun to complete it, and thats before mags and batteries.

Also, if you use the V.3 you can have the motor cage around it, so that your grip can be much more compact.

And seriously, its what a few pins to get the mechbox to hold in place how much harder would it be to mold it to do this? And if need be a few holes to get pins to lock it in place. EVEN if your cost was $1500 for the kit at the end, you'd still see kits going out for those who would buy said kit elsewhere because of not needing to donate ANOTHER gun to finish the one you just bought. I'd try to aim your costs at the range of a good M249 off the shelf if you wanted to get maximum potential, granted as Droc said molds are not cheap.

While you're on the 50 cal's though, a good M2 Browning wouldn't be too bad of a market either . I'd rather donate my truck to a .50 cal machine gun than my Colt to a M82 kit :P

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