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AK74 CYMA 031 ($175). Is that a fair price?


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Old January 21st, 2007, 23:45   #1
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AK74 CYMA 031 ($175). Is that a fair price?

I managed to locate someone offering a CYMA 031 AK74 (new in box I believe) for the price of $175 cdn. I've read reviews and it seems while CYMA is mostly garbage, this model is a fairly good low end AEG.

The price seems a little inflated though.

I haven't been aged verified yet so I don't know how to compare it to a used AEG that are often sold here.

I'm asking is it worth the price?

(I cannot afford a 200+ AEG right now)

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Old January 21st, 2007, 23:53   #2
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If you cant afford a good gun, dont by a cheap one instead. Really, just dont.

And you still need to be age-verified to purchase anything like that legally. Did you contact the local age-verifyers yet?
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Old January 22nd, 2007, 00:02   #3
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From what I've heard the new CYMA guns are pretty good for the price, but I haven't used one yet. Best bet would be to find someone who's used both them and the higher end AEGs and get an opinion from them.
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Old January 22nd, 2007, 00:04   #4
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Greylocks: I'm not asking if it's not a cheap gun. I'm asking if it's worth the $175.

Kalnaren: I've read that too, that's why I'm asking here if anyone has owned one. For 2/5 the price of a TM I'm wondering if this is actually a good deal on a low performance AEG or overpriced pacific mall garbage.

Edit: (this isn't from pacific mall, I've heard about the horror stories from there)

Considering I'd likely do using it for indoor play anyway the lower FPS doesn't bother me too much.

Last edited by Moz; January 22nd, 2007 at 00:08..
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Old January 22nd, 2007, 00:09   #5
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Originally Posted by Moz View Post
Greylocks: I'm not asking if it's not a cheap gun. I'm asking if it's worth the $175.

Kalnaren: I've read that too, that's why I'm asking here if anyone has owned one. For 2/5 the price of a TM I'm wondering if this is actually a good deal on a low performance AEG or overpriced pacific mall garbage.

Edit: (this isn't from pacific mall, I've heard about the horror stories from there)

Considering I'd likely do using it for indoor play anyway the lower FPS doesn't bother me too much.
I don't think they're low FPS. The CYMA 027 shoots at 300+, I think the 031 is like 270+... I wouldn't use those indoors.
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Old January 22nd, 2007, 00:09   #6
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Originally Posted by Moz View Post
Greylocks: I'm not asking if it's not a cheap gun. I'm asking if it's worth the $175.

Kalnaren: I've read that too, that's why I'm asking here if anyone has owned one. For 2/5 the price of a TM I'm wondering if this is actually a good deal on a low performance AEG or overpriced pacific mall garbage.

Edit: (this isn't from pacific mall, I've heard about the horror stories from there)

Considering I'd likely do using it for indoor play anyway the lower FPS doesn't bother me too much.
For an in Canada price -- that is an awesome price. Snatch it up, seriously.
If it is in US, don't get it. It will get seized. In Canada, get it.

It's just like getting a TM, except it's a AK74M and the internals aren't quite as good. Just put some metal bushings in and you should be good to go for a while

EDIT (Shameless sales plug)

If you can't find any cheap bushings (metal) that is something that will need to be upgraded on this gun, otherwise you will likely have gear damage (according to reviews), I've got a new set of SystemA bushings.

PM me if you're interested ($10 shipped - Pay by Paypal or EMT)

Last edited by Kid; January 22nd, 2007 at 00:13..
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Old January 22nd, 2007, 00:09   #7
Originally Posted by Moz View Post
Greylocks: I'm not asking if it's not a cheap gun. I'm asking if it's worth the $175.
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Old January 22nd, 2007, 00:11   #8
The Saint
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Yeah, I'd say it's worth $175CDN. Remember that Canadian airsoft prices are much less competitive than American prices across the board, regardless of brand.
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Old January 22nd, 2007, 00:11   #9
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Old January 22nd, 2007, 00:15   #10
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I'll be clear; no.

As for what you want to do with an airsoft; no.
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Old January 22nd, 2007, 00:20   #11
Bravo One-Six
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Originally Posted by Greylocks View Post
I'll be clear;
Just like the gun, right?

I really want to write an FAQ for this. I understand you're inquiring about value, but I think this applies.

You - Get - What - You - Pay - For

If by 'beginner gun' you mean something you can purchase for a cheap price and that might perform adequately: Then Yes.
If by 'beginner gun' you mean something that is reliable (won't break every few weeks), and durable (can't be shot through like the old CYMA shot guns), and low maintenance (so you don't have to pull it apart to fix it), and competitive (something that will give you a decent feel for the game): Then No.

It's been a long time since I've been a beginner. And I understand your impatience and the lure of inexpensive 'not too bad' equipment. But I always figured I'd rather purchase something that will last and that I can rely on instead of something as a quick fix. You're either out 150 bucks every time your CYMA gun breaks, or you save a few hundred more and get something you know is a solid product.

Can't stop you from buying them of course, but just like buying from the States.. Don't come complaining to us if it doesn't work after two weeks. The warnings were there. "We told you so."

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Last edited by Bravo One-Six; January 22nd, 2007 at 00:28..
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Old January 22nd, 2007, 00:28   #12
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Hmm... Well, lets see. We know there are low end, cheap LPEGs. We know there are high end, expensive AEGs. Does it not make sense that there is something in the middle? I mean is it ALL black and white? Evil and good? Or can there maybe, possible, be a medium in there too? Maybe a grey area (because we all know airsoft is about the grey area) where middle-level guns actually exists?
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Old January 22nd, 2007, 00:35   #13
The Saint
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Going by all those comments about clear guns, has people actually read that review link I posted?

I spend a fair bit of time over at Arnies, and the opinion on the recent Cymas are quite favourable. Anyone who knows anything about airsoft understands that these aren't equal to TM, or in the case of the 031, CA. However, they've come a long way from being LPEGs. Would I buy a Cyma 031 as my first gun? Probably not. Would I buy it as a project gun or loaner? Definately. I could gut and replace all the suspect internals and have a close approximate of the CA SLR for a fraction of the price.
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Old January 22nd, 2007, 00:40   #14
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Originally Posted by Bravo One-Six View Post
Just like the gun, right?

I really want to write an FAQ for this. I understand you're inquiring about value, but I think this applies.

You - Get - What - You - Pay - For

If by 'beginner gun' you mean something you can purchase for a cheap price and that might perform adequately: Then Yes.
If by 'beginner gun' you mean something that is reliable (won't break every few weeks), and durable (can't be shot through like the old CYMA shot guns), and low maintenance (so you don't have to pull it apart to fix it), and competitive (something that will give you a decent feel for the game): Then No.

It's been a long time since I've been a beginner. And I understand your impatience and the lure of inexpensive 'not too bad' equipment. But I always figured I'd rather purchase something that will last and that I can rely on instead of something as a quick fix. You're either out 150 bucks every time your CYMA gun breaks, or you save a few hundred more and get something you know is a solid product.

Can't stop you from buying them of course, but just like buying from the States.. Don't come complaining to us if it doesn't work after two weeks. The warnings were there. "We told you so."
My next gun wont be a CYMA, thats for sure. But the way I see it, I can get this gun now, last a few months and when I'm not as broke and get a nice TM G36. If I turns out I don't like it, or airsoft at all. I can give this AK74 to my film friend who could make good use of it even if the thing didn't have a gearbox in it.

This is not from the States. Local classifieds. I'll definitely inspect it condition very well before making the final decision.
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Old January 22nd, 2007, 00:45   #15
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i would say save up....i bought a cheap m4 was ok...but died so pit if you ask me

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