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HELP! want a new rifle but need help picking one! :p


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Old June 19th, 2007, 10:12   #1
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HELP! want a new rifle but need help picking one! :p

Hi im new on the forum, the main reson im here is cause i need help with getting a new rifle. Thought about buying a marui M14 or a Marushin M1 garand, but after talking to owner of them im not so sure anymore.
I got a m4a1 atm with some upgrades but it feels like everyone got the same weapon on the games so i want a little more odd weapon
was thinking about a Marui G36C then but im still not sure so i wanna ask you guys/girls what you would recomend...

I want a gun that is okey to use when i take it out from the box, no need to upgrade alot of stuff directly, but still want a rifle that i can upgrade easy and kind of cheap when the time has come for it. And ofc i want it to shot hard!

thankfull for all info/help i can get
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Old June 19th, 2007, 10:48   #2
Captain Sunshine
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If you're looking for a gun thats pretty good out of the box, you have a few choices.
The FAMAS is great, although if it ever breaks down (i doubt it will) you're going to have a hard time looking for replacement parts.
The G36c isnt a bad idea either, but if you want a really odd weapon you could stick with a p90. I own one myself, pretty good ROF and reliable out of the box, however finding pouches to store mags is a pain. and the last one, i think the AK's are supposed to be good, but i have no personal experience with them.

Next time, read through the forums a bit, you'll most likely find an answer to whatever questions you have and same thing with the FAQs.
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Old June 19th, 2007, 11:25   #3
Bob the Angry Potato
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Originally Posted by Droc View Post
I wouldnt recommend the famas. Plastic, V1 internals...a very primitive gun compared to the rest of TMs line.

search for "best gun" for a good indication of what people think of specific guns.

Personally, I recommend the Ak or G36. Both are solid and run V3 internals.
I quite like the FA-MAS. Not as customizeable as the upper-end ones, but a lot of internal metal content (heavier then the M4 hands down), compact, and upgradeable if you know what you're doing. Also, to my friends' utter disbelief, got the same range as is Redwolf Custom SPR (turns out he didn't have the right hop-up installed, but the FA-MAS has amazing barrel length for its size).

However, how about an AUG? If you're looking for something compact, easy to upgrade and something you don't see on the field very often.
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Old June 19th, 2007, 12:04   #4
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thanks for all the answers keep it going

well thought about a AUG but my brother got one of those so if i wanna use it in a game i can just borrow it from him, he normaly play with hes realy upgraded G3SG1, nowdays it looks exactly like the swedish AK 4 instead and its full metal.

well about the G36. what do you think is best of Marui G36C and Classic Army G36C, heard that the gearbox should be almost the same in both but the classic army got stronger "body" or what you should call it, anyone that could tell me if its true or false?

The g36c is a kind of cheap weapon i must say and still you can upgrade it so much that is a big + cause everyone want thier weapon to look bad ass when you come to a game

If anyone would know a M1 garand for sale please tell me, even if its not the best gaming weapon its a amazing rifle i think so probably going to get it just to have it hanging on the wall, and take it with to show the boys sometime hehe
(dont got acces to the buy/sell site so cant check there) ;D
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Old June 19th, 2007, 12:47   #5
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If you're looking at something as long as a full-sized Garand for a primary, why not go with a TM M14? Those have insane accuracy, lots more available internal + external upgrades than the Garand, and are roughly the same price...
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That was a very bad move on your behalf. Sort of like cutting off your foot for money, but not getting the money first and then letting the person with the money run away.
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Old June 19th, 2007, 14:43   #6
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Originally Posted by Droc View Post
I wouldnt recommend the famas. Plastic, V1 internals...a very primitive gun compared to the rest of TMs line.

search for "best gun" for a good indication of what people think of specific guns.

Personally, I recommend the Ak or G36. Both are solid and run V3 internals.
G36 has alot of problems... Not big ones, just really irritating ones...

G36 PROBLEM ; mags are bulky, and need specialized pouches to store them-can be solved by getting the private-parts AR magwell conversion kit .
G36 PROBLEM ; left handed operators can't hit the mag-catch (on the AR conversion) when the stock is folded.
G36 PROBLEM ; left handed operators can't use the ambi-selector when stock is folded

So yeah, you're pretty much SOL if you're a lefty.

The AK is pretty much the best V3 you can get... Very lefty-friendly (no pun intended).

Last edited by Lakonian; June 19th, 2007 at 14:46..
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Old June 19th, 2007, 16:09   #7
Swatt Six-Four
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TM M14 end of story

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Old June 19th, 2007, 16:13   #8
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I agree, M14
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Old June 19th, 2007, 16:37   #9
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well the TM M14 hows the power and so on that? heard alot of good things about the gun so it wouldnt actually be totaly wrong ;D

but i would love if you could tell me more about it. If in not wrong its not real wood on the "wooden" edition of the M14?
and one thing more about it, is it much plastic things on it or is it good stuff that wont brake ?

need to exuse me if i ask alot of questions and so but you maybe understand that im aiming for a realy good rifle that i can upgrade and get insanly good but still have a rifle thats kind of odd and make ppl take a extra look on it at the bigger games ;D

and ye almost forgott, the M1 Carbine airsoft, anyone ever seen one of those for real? it seems to be realy realy rare, if you got one feel free to write to me on or make a post here, would realy wanna hear some about it

thanks for all the help you give me // John
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Old June 19th, 2007, 18:37   #10
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I have both a G36 and a FA-MAS. The FA-MAS is old anc creaky, but that's easy to fix with a bit of tape (eleminated 95% of the creak on mine). People saying the gun sucks for performance is bullshit. It has an insane rate of fire and is insainly accurate for a platform of it's size. The V1 mechbox, through old, is a tank and can be midly upgraded. My MAS is shooting at 330 FPS no problems. It isn't customizable though -you can pretty much just put a rail on the top and one on the bottom and that's about it.

The Classic Army G36 is a great gun. As Kos said, it has a few little annoying problems. Mine has mostly been electrical -I've had it fail on me at 2 games. One of them I actually had to take the mechbox apart to fix (trigger contact problem), the second I just had to fiddle with the connectors. Personally I think people over exaggurate the mag problem. You need G36 mag pouches (which a lot of people bitch about -but you also need MP5 and P90 mag pouches... funny, I never hear people complain about them). And you only need G36 mag pouches if you want duel mags. I use 4 pouches -2 G36 mag pouches with 2 mags each, and 2 duel M16 mag pouches with 1 mag each, and I can change the mags out fast enough.
As for performance, the gun is pretty sweet. I stuck a tightbore in mine and it's great. Drains the mini battery quickly though if you use full auto a lot. Definetly get a CA one though, the build quality is better than TM.

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Old June 19th, 2007, 19:39   #11
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Well done guys, a typical noob post and 12 replies later not one single flaming ass-holish post! I think ASC is starting to realize what respect is, and that we all were airsoft noobs at one point in life.

Ok, except Poncho.
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Old June 19th, 2007, 21:39   #12
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Originally Posted by CDN_Stalker View Post
Well done guys, a typical noob post and 12 replies later not one single flaming ass-holish post! I think ASC is starting to realize what respect is, and that we all were airsoft noobs at one point in life.

Ok, except Poncho.
Lol. He's from out of the country, and I was in a good mood (just got back from playing airsoft)

"Someone in a Prius tried to race me at a stop sign the other day. I couldn't believe it. I had him for the first 100 feet or so but I can only walk so fast."
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Old June 20th, 2007, 12:48   #13
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Personally, I think a TM AK would be the answer. Great gun, durable, lots of upgrades, great stock shooter
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Old June 20th, 2007, 13:36   #14
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I'm gonna recommend the g36 series as well. Extremely versatile design, $200 in parts and becomes a different gun for a different use.
Oh yea, AG36

And as for the lefty issue with the selector, you learn to use your index finger
G36c/k/e - MG36
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Old June 20th, 2007, 14:35   #15
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Originally Posted by AcidFire View Post
And as for the lefty issue with the selector, you learn to use your index finger
really uncomfortable...
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