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Somethings rotten with the verification



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Old September 28th, 2007, 02:04   #1
Rumpel Felt
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Somethings rotten with the verification

Ok, again, not trying to be a dick but....

What is the deal with this verifying process. How many people bark "shut up until you're verified" at new comers? So they do, only to be stuck in limbo for MONTHS it seems.

WHAT IS THE HOLD UP? I got it done two weeks ago, rep sent in my info ASAP and still nothing. And posting in the rep thread seems to do nothing because the only ones who seem to be reading it are the ones like me except it seems many of them have been waiting over a MONTH!?

This is not a big community, the internet is damn fast enough and nearly all are fluent with keyboards now....why does it take so long to click here and there to simply enable someones account???? Hell, I volunteer the service right now if time constraints are the problem of whoever does this....

Sorry to rant, but I finally reach this magic number everyone has been insisting on only to be ignored. And if it's not just me, I think some vital new blood to the game is being turned away.

Can I verify with you or a rep over MSN video chat and hold up my ID for you to see?

No. In person verification only. If you can't take the time to spend a few minutes to get verified then maybe airsoft isn't for you. The classifieds are not going to disappear over night and if they did it would be because airsoft was banned. If you don't have time to be verified you don't have time to play.----

Well I have taken the time and so did my rep....

Again, sorry to sound like an ass but we aren't getting any answers....

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Old September 28th, 2007, 02:07   #2
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The answer is very simple.

The only person that takes verifications and updates and changes user statuses is Lisa, who has been on sabbatical for months. Allegedly no one else has the capability to do this, and the admins have largely been absent to grant this capability to anyone else.
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Old September 28th, 2007, 02:21   #3
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The verification system is amateur and run by volunteers. There is no set time, method, or person that will let you in.

Sit back and let it happen. There's people worse off than you.

I have been trying for a year to get verified, and can't.
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Old September 28th, 2007, 02:27   #4
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Meh. I've lost interest in this verification crap.

In order for a system like this to work, you need capable people, who aren't at work 24/7, or an the asylum (and need to escape in order to verify).

I'm pretty sure Brian of TTAC3 can verify you too..
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Old September 28th, 2007, 03:33   #5
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Nobody likes the fact that it takes so long, but it does and there isn't much we can do to help it. On a side note, if you're wanting to get verified to buy guns i'd presume you'd want to play at a few games right? Just head to a game somewhere local depending on where you are and there might be a rep there.

Last edited by TrueTGN; September 28th, 2007 at 03:35..
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Old September 28th, 2007, 05:30   #6
Official Crybaby Chairsofter
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Seems it's not about rep being the problem but about once everything is done, the person(s) pushing the 'Age Verified' button isn't available.

Time for some changes IMHO.
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Old September 28th, 2007, 05:44   #7
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Originally Posted by TrueTGN View Post
Nobody likes the fact that it takes so long, but it does and there isn't much we can do to help it. On a side note, if you're wanting to get verified to buy guns i'd presume you'd want to play at a few games right? Just head to a game somewhere local depending on where you are and there might be a rep there.
thats how i gave my info ive played 5 times with MyFrog and gave him my info 2 times thats like 4 months and bout 2 months ago... im just going to buy the AGM mp 40 from A2A nice NEW gun.

playing with my kid!
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Old September 28th, 2007, 05:44   #8
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Originally Posted by Ronan View Post
Seems it's not about rep being the problem but about once everything is done, the person(s) pushing the 'Age Verified' button isn't available.

Time for some changes IMHO.
Yeah. Stop posting.


Yeah. Some changes are in order.
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Old September 28th, 2007, 07:35   #9
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While I can understand some folks' frustration, I think the bottom line a lot of people posting here are losing sight of is that you have no entitlements; this is a privately owned and operated forum, governed by it's own rules, and providing the community with free access to it's forums (including the classified ads).

It isn't a democracy, there are no corporate shareholders, and no one's forced to be here. None of the staff are being paid for their time here. Likewise, anyone who thinks the staff is doing a poor job should feel free not to let the door hit 'em in the ass on the way out. And this being a relatively free country, there's nothing stopping you from starting your own forum if you feel you can do better.

I'm not posting this to flame or to be an ass [any more than I usually am], but the self-righteous indignation gets tiring. I understand your enthusiasm at getting access to the classifieds, but get a grip. This isn't a fucking Red Cross food distribution site. Your life does not depend on airsoft. If it takes a few extra weeks, it takes a few extra weeks. Does that suck? Maybe. Can you do anything about it? No, not really. So get over it.

Everyone else had to wait, and you ain't that fuckin' special (not directed at anyone in particular; if the hat fits your ego...).
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Old September 28th, 2007, 08:33   #10
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Sorry to hear of your luck. Its pretty rediculous it takes so long.

I have the feeling though, that in typical ASC mod style your thread will be trashed and you'll be B&/V&
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Old September 28th, 2007, 08:50   #11
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There has been but one rule of law here for the last 7 years I've been part of this forum:

"This is ASC - no one here owes you anything. Learn to deal with it or GTFO."
Originally Posted by TokyoSeven View Post
That was a very bad move on your behalf. Sort of like cutting off your foot for money, but not getting the money first and then letting the person with the money run away.
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Old September 28th, 2007, 10:19   #12
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I think I've been verified for maybe 1 1/2 years now and back then it was snappy. Took maybe all of 2 weeks after being submitted.

I could understand if whoever is enabling user accounts would want to wait til there are a few to do and do them in a batch, but over a month is pretty bad, you have to admit.

"This is ASC - no one here owes you anything. Learn to deal with it or GTFO."

Though it may be true that no one owes anyone anything here, that's a terrible excuse. Not exactly a great way to support your own community.

Maybe there's a way to automate the last part of the age verification process? I'd be willing to bet there's somekind of script that age verifiers could be given access to that would allow them to submit usernames to be upgraded to age verified status automatically.

It's probably about time that mods quit dodging this issue as I've only seen it come up more and more lately...

Just my 2 cents.
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Old September 28th, 2007, 10:29   #13
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well yes...
but it's not like it's sooo hard to type a few names in.
1 year of waiting makes it look like East-German administration - before the wall fell.

if the verifiers really hate doing that, why don't they just pass the task to someone else ?

it's not like people absolutely need to get verified to get guns - you just need it to get exactly what you want, easily, cheap, etc...
quick verification provides better visibility and traceability for users, it's a good system and it should be kept efficient, with love and care

Hell, I'd do it if I was asked to !

+1 to Mavericko
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Old September 28th, 2007, 10:30   #14
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Originally Posted by Rumpel Felt View Post
WHAT IS THE HOLD UP? I got it done two weeks ago, rep sent in my info ASAP and still nothing. And posting in the rep thread seems to do nothing because the only ones who seem to be reading it are the ones like me except it seems many of them have been waiting over a MONTH!?
I'll see what I can do.

But as stated before, the only person on this forum who can add you to the verified group is Lisa, and she's not around lately. The other admins with sufficient rights to edit the forum are busy with other projects at the moment. I'll see if I can get in touch with HoJo and get him to up my permissions.
My ASC UserID is 666. Oh, great...
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Old September 28th, 2007, 10:59   #15
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2 cents

Just wondering why ther is no small fee for verification that could give incentive by the verifier adder like Lisa to get the job done faster. Eg $5-10 fee that could help pay for the verifiers adders time (say $2.5-5) and the other $2.5-5 could go to supporting ASC forum.

I would be sick of adding hundreds or thousands of verifications if it was all volunteer after a few years. Also the work could be divided up by having a verification adder in each city (or nearet city).

In fact the verifier and verification adder could be one in the same person. It would be great for the over 18s to just go and buy the gun and get verified at the same time of purchase and have the fee added to the same bill.

Last edited by Syn; September 28th, 2007 at 11:03..
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