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Legality issues



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Old February 7th, 2008, 22:37   #1
Join Date: Jun 2007
Legality issues

If i am looking to purchase 6 or 8 guns and starting a small field on our PRIVATE property in Muskoka. as loong as every one is over 18 is this OK with the law. I am not a complete idiot with this stuff. I know how to make permission sheets and have a lawyers advice but he is not very knowledgable about this and i dont want to give him more work
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Old February 7th, 2008, 22:39   #2
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hes not my lawyer hes my uncle and that doesnt help
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Old February 7th, 2008, 22:43   #3
A-56 aka Mr.Hitman
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On Private Property is okay. If it's on YOUR field, only YOU can do whatever you like. (Set 18+ rules, etc.)
It's only 18+ to purchase airsoft guns.

But I am not sure about permission sheets, and all paper work for it.

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Old February 7th, 2008, 22:48   #4
Join Date: Jun 2007
Thankyou that is helpfull but why am i only alowed to allow 18+ to play or is that just an airsoft policy
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Old February 7th, 2008, 22:49   #5
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also if i was to post flyers advertising this. If the cops saw them can i get in trouble.
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Old February 7th, 2008, 23:01   #6
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Originally Posted by Mr.Hitman View Post
On Private Property is okay. If it's on YOUR field, only YOU can do whatever you like. (Set 18+ rules, etc.)
It's only 18+ to purchase airsoft guns.

But I am not sure about permission sheets, and all paper work for it.
And here he goes spreading his divine wisdom again...

"Someone in a Prius tried to race me at a stop sign the other day. I couldn't believe it. I had him for the first 100 feet or so but I can only walk so fast."
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Old February 7th, 2008, 23:03   #7
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maby i heard of a story a while back when i was digging were they had them confiscated just play were no neighbors can see u and call the police station adn make them aware of that you want to do and inform them then i dont think it be bad. but then agian im only 18 and im a nub but so far this is what iv read and been told just call the local police and inquire. can't hurt can it.
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Old February 7th, 2008, 23:07   #8
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Originally Posted by kalnaren View Post
And here he goes spreading his divine wisdom again...
Refer to my quote in your sig
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Old February 7th, 2008, 23:11   #9
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If you were charging for entrance / field fee's you would need to register the field as a business.

For legal reasons I'd suggest you only invite private persons that you know and trust. If you post public flyers, you on going to want to get a lawyer to writer up a waiver covering anything and everything that could happen, you'll also want to contact an insurance company to cover you in case of liability reasons arising from injury / etc related to the public using your field.

Basically; while it may be private property, you are responsible for everyone's safety that you invite onto the field. If someone slips in your driveway because its icey, loses an eye while playing without proper eye protection, or decides its a good idea to use their zippo to heat up their propane tank... You'd be responsible.

Originally Posted by autohandgun View Post
also if i was to post flyers advertising this. If the cops saw them can i get in trouble.
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Old February 7th, 2008, 23:19   #10
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Originally Posted by Mr.Hitman View Post
On Private Property is okay. If it's on YOUR field, only YOU can do whatever you like. (Set 18+ rules, etc.)
It's only 18+ to purchase airsoft guns.

But I am not sure about permission sheets, and all paper work for it.
Fucking fail...

Check with your town, there might be bylaws and zoning issues.

Issurance will be an issue as well, since you don't fall into paintball field issurance. A simple waiver will most likely get raped in court if something really bad happens.

Point is, you need to reasearch a lot. Contact other local fields to see how they are set up.
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Old February 8th, 2008, 00:07   #11
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I know there is airsoft insurance available in the U.S., they are the parent company of a few insurers who operate in both countries so there is a chance you might be able to obtain airsoft specific insurance but who knows how premiums will be by comparison.

worst case scenario is you would have to go excess lines but that would turn very costly without a doubt.
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Old February 8th, 2008, 00:23   #12
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Originally Posted by Mr.Hitman View Post
On Private Property is okay. If it's on YOUR field, only YOU can do whatever you like. (Set 18+ rules, etc.)
It's only 18+ to purchase airsoft guns.

But I am not sure about permission sheets, and all paper work for it.


(Moderators: I'm sorry, it seems the only way he'll actually listen is if it's in huge bold letters, if you have a problem with this, please PM me and I'll edit it out.)
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Old February 8th, 2008, 00:59   #13
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oh forgot aobut zoning laws so make 4 calls 1ST call your city/township see if you can do this.ect the rights on what u can do in their town ship/city, next call the local police see if they are ok with this i blive brian who runs ttac said hes consulted with the local auoritys to see if they were ok with this. 3) find out what inshurance is needed if your alloud see some one who knows aobut airsoft feild .ect owning them and legalitys then call your lawyers and shuch fiugre out what u need to do. 4. call your neighbours or go to them inform them of what u might be doing. see if they have any problems with this addres the safty precautions that u would inshure that they will not be disturebd form the activity. 5) make shur you can inforce the rules and abide by the legalitys surroding what you would like to do. but this is adivice form some one who has no clue how to do this but theys are the steps i would take inorder to figure out how i could do it. thire might be sumthing else you would need to do but thats how i would do it atleast.
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Old February 8th, 2008, 03:19   #14
Savage Haggis
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Originally Posted by Amos View Post

Originally Posted by Danke View Post
Quite the thread; seen the return of Savage Haggis and the end of an empire.
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Old February 8th, 2008, 04:00   #15
Scooby Steve
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Originally Posted by jesster202 View Post
oh forgot aobut zoning laws so make 4 calls 1ST call your city/township see if you can do this.ect the rights on what u can do in their town ship/city, next call the local police see if they are ok with this i blive brian who runs ttac said hes consulted with the local auoritys to see if they were ok with this. 3) find out what inshurance is needed if your alloud see some one who knows aobut airsoft feild .ect owning them and legalitys then call your lawyers and shuch fiugre out what u need to do. 4. call your neighbours or go to them inform them of what u might be doing. see if they have any problems with this addres the safty precautions that u would inshure that they will not be disturebd form the activity. 5) make shur you can inforce the rules and abide by the legalitys surroding what you would like to do. but this is adivice form some one who has no clue how to do this but theys are the steps i would take inorder to figure out how i could do it. thire might be sumthing else you would need to do but thats how i would do it atleast.
Hmm. Not much difference between your post and the dialectized version:

oh fo'got aobut zonin' laws so make 4 calls 1ST call yer city/township see eff'n yo' kin does this.eck th' rights on whut u kin does in their town ship/city, next call th' local po-lice see eff'n they is ok wif this hyar i blive brian who runs ttac said hes cornsulted wif th' local auo'itys t'see eff'n they were ok wif this. 3) find out whut inshurance is needed eff'n yer alloud see some one who knows aobut airsof' feild .eck ownin' them an' legalitys then call yer lawyers an' shuch fiugre out whut u need t'do. 4. call yer neighbours o' hoof it to them info'm them of whut u might be doin'. see eff'n they haf enny problems wif this hyar addres th' saf'y precaushuns thet u'd inshure thet they will not be disturebd fo'm th' ackivity. 5) make shur yo' kin info'ce th' rules an' abide by th' legalitys surrodin' whut yo''d like t'do. but this hyar is adivice fo'm some one who has no clue how t'do this hyar but theys is th' steps i'd take ino'der t'figger out how i c'd does it. thire might be sumthin' else yo''d need t'do but thets how i'd does it atleast.
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