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Search: Posts Made By: Ripperman79
Forum: Reviews February 15th, 2012, 14:14
Replies: 61
Views: 72,897
Posted By Ripperman79
I did my own review of this quite a while ago, i...

I did my own review of this quite a while ago, i have now sold it, but I've got to say i loved it, sorta regret selling it really. FAMAS F1 ( its...
Forum: Canadian August 22nd, 2011, 11:13
Replies: 155
Views: 599,120
Posted By Ripperman79
I'm at connaught range shooting with them and...

I'm at connaught range shooting with them and they were doing work ups some in AR others TW, they were all wearing proper boots and were bloused
Forum: Canadian August 21st, 2011, 19:56
Replies: 155
Views: 599,120
Posted By Ripperman79
I was just shooting alongside some CSOR guys and...

I was just shooting alongside some CSOR guys and there boots were bloused, it a dress thing and a comfort thing, why would you not blouse your boots? then they just get wet or shit gets in your...
Forum: Canadian August 20th, 2011, 09:33
Replies: 155
Views: 599,120
Posted By Ripperman79
It looks good! but don't forget to blouse your...

It looks good! but don't forget to blouse your boots, its something little that takes away from the look.
Forum: Canadian Airsoft News Stand January 29th, 2011, 10:40
Replies: 63
Views: 74,668
Posted By Ripperman79
yeah there coming out this month... Classic 9''...

yeah there coming out this month...
Classic 9'' Black (
Classic 9'' W/Side Zip...
Forum: Canadian Airsoft News Stand January 25th, 2011, 09:08
Replies: 63
Views: 74,668
Posted By Ripperman79
Are they 8 inch?

Are they 8 inch?
Forum: Canadian Airsoft News Stand January 19th, 2011, 21:05
Replies: 63
Views: 74,668
Posted By Ripperman79
I'm still wearing garrison boots issued to me 4...

I'm still wearing garrison boots issued to me 4 years ago :P and there still in fine shape! But no doubt I'm getting some swats for my future career :)
Forum: Canadian Airsoft News Stand January 19th, 2011, 20:06
Replies: 63
Views: 74,668
Posted By Ripperman79
MK3. Combat boots anyone? :D

MK3. Combat boots anyone? :D
Forum: Canadian Airsoft News Stand January 17th, 2011, 21:24
Replies: 63
Views: 74,668
Posted By Ripperman79
I still use a shitty pair of Garrison boots...

I still use a shitty pair of Garrison boots myself, but i tried on two of my officers boots on and i accidentally put two different boots on mistaking them for the same because they looked so...
Forum: Gear Discussion January 3rd, 2011, 10:22
Replies: 16
Views: 13,811
Posted By Ripperman79
i seen one at the army navy in halifax for $90...

i seen one at the army navy in halifax for $90 and i almost bought it, but it was a small and the cover was worn out on it and my cover is for a large
Forum: Gear Discussion December 28th, 2010, 00:09
Replies: 16
Views: 13,811
Posted By Ripperman79
so i'm naming my new helmet Shirley ;) if anyone...

so i'm naming my new helmet Shirley ;) if anyone asks how i got the name I'll send them here.
Forum: Gear Discussion December 27th, 2010, 12:12
Replies: 16
Views: 13,811
Posted By Ripperman79
Thanks for the help guys!

Thanks for the help guys!
Forum: Gear Discussion December 26th, 2010, 12:37
Replies: 16
Views: 13,811
Posted By Ripperman79
I know i'm bringing this back from the dead but...

I know i'm bringing this back from the dead but i'm just trying to prevent starting a new thread. Does anyone know if the above helmet cover ^^ (Cadpat CF CG643 Cover) would fit on an M-88 Helmet?,...
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion December 6th, 2010, 14:18
Replies: 19
Views: 17,181
Posted By Ripperman79
i already decided to go with the SRC but instead...

i already decided to go with the SRC but instead the G36K, and i already have it but know i think i might get one of the full metal ones later, Thanks for the info!
Forum: Newbie Tank December 2nd, 2010, 14:31
Replies: 20
Views: 20,052
Posted By Ripperman79
i'm not 100% sure if it's a crime to own or wear...

i'm not 100% sure if it's a crime to own or wear the cadpat uniform unless you wear ranks, insignia or claim to be a CF member, i know it's illegal to sell cadpat pattern uniforms without...
Forum: General November 18th, 2010, 15:19
Replies: 100
Views: 55,008
Posted By Ripperman79
buying a Canadian tire gun,(Please refrain from...

buying a Canadian tire gun,(Please refrain from flaming) Pulse R76? AK-74u? It cycled, it fired 3 shots and then didn't fire 2, so i returned it FOR EXCHANGE and then got it home to test fire it, the...
Forum: Newbie Tank November 17th, 2010, 21:11
Replies: 29
Views: 16,125
Posted By Ripperman79
I was expecting to see a lot more flame but...

I was expecting to see a lot more flame but wow...
anyways its good to follow what going on near you try to get to one of those noob games just to introduce your self, i'm in the same shoes you are...
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion November 16th, 2010, 17:12
Replies: 34
Views: 29,259
Posted By Ripperman79
maybe the battery is connected inside the...

maybe the battery is connected inside the magazine and there is a set of contacts on the magazine and in the mag well? like a laptop battery?
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion October 16th, 2010, 12:59
Replies: 7
Views: 12,565
Posted By Ripperman79
+1 there alot better then what they used to be...

+1 there alot better then what they used to be but still not great, but if your getting a sniper you might want to look around abit more because a $300 sniper and a $400 sniper can be night and day
Forum: Reviews September 19th, 2010, 20:51
Replies: 0
Views: 11,834
Posted By Ripperman79
SRC G36K Gen 3

Backround:H&K started designing the G36 series in 1990 and the began production in 1996, it was later adopted as the standard service rifle of the German Bundeswehr and is still in service today. The...
Forum: General September 10th, 2010, 15:09
Replies: 29
Views: 21,741
Posted By Ripperman79
I know where you coming from, and it can be hard...

I know where you coming from, and it can be hard sport to get into, but without parental consent and supervision you can't play, or buy guns here. look to a local retailer with parental consent....
Forum: Accessories Discussion September 4th, 2010, 14:50
Replies: 189
Views: 157,180
Posted By Ripperman79
They ghost a little bit but outside during a...

They ghost a little bit but outside during a sunny or even cloudy day you dont see it at all and there is little to no ghosting when on Green, but for the price buy 2 i know i did :) The only problem...
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion September 4th, 2010, 11:03
Replies: 9
Views: 8,563
Posted By Ripperman79
SRC Gen 3 guns are above average AEGs but don't...

SRC Gen 3 guns are above average AEGs but don't get 2nd or 1st gen they suck...
Forum: Accessories Discussion August 31st, 2010, 23:36
Replies: 2
Views: 5,778
Posted By Ripperman79
Battery Guide By:Spike Fourm:NSA

Hey guys i just looked for a bit of a battery guide on the site and after a "Thread Titles Only" i found nothing. So i thought this might help anyone new to buying batteries or anyone looking for...
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion August 27th, 2010, 23:44
Replies: 12
Views: 13,935
Posted By Ripperman79
when you buy the Type 56, in the manual it'll...

when you buy the Type 56, in the manual it'll tell you what version of the gun you have. In the manual where they cover the guns specs there should be a sticker over the FPS that says 385FPS (North...
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion August 24th, 2010, 16:17
Replies: 16
Views: 19,150
Posted By Ripperman79
sorry to bring it back from the dead but does...

sorry to bring it back from the dead but does anyone know if these mags fit this gun?
DBoy's Fake Bullet Low Cap (
King Arms Mid Cap 5...
Forum: Gear Discussion August 19th, 2010, 11:40
Replies: 16
Views: 13,811
Posted By Ripperman79
Thanks that was exactly the information i was...

Thanks that was exactly the information i was looking for, your help is appreciated!
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion August 18th, 2010, 14:08
Replies: 8
Views: 10,278
Posted By Ripperman79
i was watching a few reviews on the G&G L85A2 and...

i was watching a few reviews on the G&G L85A2 and one video mentioned you need a special battery here: YouTube- G&G L85A2 review ( 4:30/8:15 can anyone...
Forum: Gear Discussion August 17th, 2010, 23:49
Replies: 16
Views: 13,811
Posted By Ripperman79
Name This Helmet?

Does Anyone know the name or model of this helmet it was used into the 90's for sure I'm not sure if its still used today. I looked inside on the tags but they were ripped out or scratched out. if...
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion August 16th, 2010, 22:38
Replies: 8
Views: 10,278
Posted By Ripperman79
did you pay $575 for yours?

did you pay $575 for yours?
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion August 16th, 2010, 21:30
Replies: 8
Views: 10,278
Posted By Ripperman79
G&G L85A2, What about em?

I like bulpup guns and the Famas F1 was my first, i recently sold it and i know i want a L85 and i have someone that's selling one, and i just want to know what anybody else knows about them. I've...
Forum: Canadian August 2nd, 2010, 20:25
Replies: 33
Views: 32,308
Posted By Ripperman79
....Get a new mask if there is that many problems...

....Get a new mask if there is that many problems with it those things are cheap, and the mask should come with powder to clean it out with i know mine did, i still have it...just incase. also you...
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion June 26th, 2010, 18:52
Replies: 21
Views: 22,161
Posted By Ripperman79
SD and change the hand-guard and I'd pay $400

SD and change the hand-guard and I'd pay $400
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion June 25th, 2010, 15:14
Replies: 12
Views: 12,441
Posted By Ripperman79
The Cybergun Fa-mas is probably one of Cybergun's...

The Cybergun Fa-mas is probably one of Cybergun's best yet, and yeah the JP and Cybergun are pretty much the same from what i can tell by looking at specs and reviews but I've never handled it.
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications June 24th, 2010, 22:58
Replies: 7
Views: 9,441
Posted By Ripperman79
Opps I allways forget about the p90 being bulpup,...

Opps I allways forget about the p90 being bulpup, but still the p90 is like apples and oranges to the famas as far as taking them apart
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion June 24th, 2010, 22:54
Replies: 12
Views: 12,441
Posted By Ripperman79
It has the handgard of a g2...:/

It has the handgard of a g2...:/
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion June 24th, 2010, 20:27
Replies: 12
Views: 12,441
Posted By Ripperman79
no no no he means the Famas F1 not the Famas G2....

no no no he means the Famas F1 not the Famas G2. The Fa-mas F1 is the A.E.G. version of the Fa-mas it just came out this year and is surprisingly nice compared to other products they have. Stock TM...
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications June 24th, 2010, 20:12
Replies: 7
Views: 9,441
Posted By Ripperman79
yeah the take down is the same until you get to...

yeah the take down is the same until you get to that "arm" thingy that connects the trigger to the gearbox
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion June 24th, 2010, 19:58
Replies: 12
Views: 12,441
Posted By Ripperman79
I own the cybergun brand Fa-mas and I have not...

I own the cybergun brand Fa-mas and I have not yet had problems with it. The Tokyo Marui brand is very close to the cybergun brand Fa-mas but for the best bang for your buck i would go with the...
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications June 24th, 2010, 17:50
Replies: 7
Views: 9,441
Posted By Ripperman79
i've gotten so far as the back is removed and the...

i've gotten so far as the back is removed and the wires and selector switch are off but i dont know how to remove the "arm" which connects the trigger pulls to the gearbox, any tips or help would be...
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications June 24th, 2010, 17:28
Replies: 7
Views: 9,441
Posted By Ripperman79
I've tried taking apart my gun (palco famas) with...

I've tried taking apart my gun (palco famas) with the TM famas guide and its very different, but I'm going to download it and try it anyways thanks!
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications June 24th, 2010, 17:17
Replies: 7
Views: 9,441
Posted By Ripperman79
Red face Disassemble the Famas F1?

I've taken many guns apart before , Pulse R72, AK-47, AK-105, M4A1, P90, but i have never disassembled a Bulpup gun and i don't even know where to begin with a famas, anyone that has taken apart a...
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion June 22nd, 2010, 21:27
Replies: 56
Views: 39,891
Posted By Ripperman79
l do plan on buying the full stock type 56 but...

l do plan on buying the full stock type 56 but I've never heard of their stocks breaking or cracking, and by the sounds of it the wood of these could almost compare you lee-enfield qualitiy wood.
Forum: Vietnam June 21st, 2010, 22:08
Replies: 37
Views: 34,254
Posted By Ripperman79
A lot of people do "all along the watch tower"...

A lot of people do "all along the watch tower" and jimi hendrix version is my favorite and most likly the most well known version as well, but it's was Bob Dylan's song first.
Forum: Newbie Tank June 21st, 2010, 21:49
Replies: 20
Views: 20,052
Posted By Ripperman79
I can upload that picture another time, but it's...

I can upload that picture another time, but it's in OD but the sizings would be the same as n cadpats. my cadpats are smaller then 7040 so I didn't post it up.
Forum: Vietnam June 21st, 2010, 13:38
Replies: 37
Views: 34,254
Posted By Ripperman79
I'm sorry it an old thread but i just can believe...

I'm sorry it an old thread but i just can believe that no one said "Hello Vietnam" by Johny Wright
Forum: Newbie Tank June 20th, 2010, 20:50
Replies: 20
Views: 20,052
Posted By Ripperman79
Let me know how it fits

Let me know how it fits
Forum: Newbie Tank June 18th, 2010, 11:15
Replies: 20
Views: 20,052
Posted By Ripperman79
i don't have a 7040 but i have a 6939 and the arm...

i don't have a 7040 but i have a 6939 and the arm is 2ft 2inchs, but if they meet you recommended higeht then go for it, i work supply and most always, about 8/10 times the recommended size works.
Forum: Canadian June 6th, 2010, 23:33
Replies: 33
Views: 32,308
Posted By Ripperman79
Couldn't of said it better myself

Couldn't of said it better myself
Forum: Canadian June 5th, 2010, 16:17
Replies: 33
Views: 32,308
Posted By Ripperman79
i didn't realize it had to be at eye level but it...

i didn't realize it had to be at eye level but it still seems really difficult to drink from it, Btw i was using an issued canteen
Showing results 1 to 50 of 160

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