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So all my guns were stolen today...



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Old May 23rd, 2008, 02:35   #16
Le Roi des poissons d'avril
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That royally sux!

It remind me I should lock my gear somehow in my appartement. The place is very hard to break in, as one of us is always home. But you never know.

I'd like the reinforce my door frame with steel, but the owner would not allow it.

Vérificateur d'âge: Terrebonne
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Old May 23rd, 2008, 02:38   #17
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Damn that is rough.
Hope something turns up.
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Old May 23rd, 2008, 02:51   #18
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playing with my kid!
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Old May 23rd, 2008, 05:25   #19
aka Maleficent
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I've posted it once and I will post it again here....everyone needs to be very selective on what they post about their gear. You may be advertising a shopping list for someone. I have read other posts where guys have listed a total inventory of their guns and gear.

Not saying this is the case here and I really hope you recover some of the gear you lost. I would seriously start hunting the pawn shops and online sales on a daily basis.

Anyhow, just a friendly reminder to be selective on what you post.
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Old May 23rd, 2008, 05:31   #20
Wanna buy some Nod's? #StolenValour
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Originally Posted by Mizfit View Post
I've posted it once and I will post it again here....everyone needs to be very selective on what they post about their gear. You may be advertising a shopping list for someone. I have read other posts where guys have listed a total inventory of their guns and gear.

Not saying this is the case here and I really hope you recover some of the gear you lost. I would seriously start hunting the pawn shops and online sales on a daily basis.

Anyhow, just a friendly reminder to be selective on what you post.
+1 and buy a gun locker..shit they are 100 bucks at lebarons. Sorry for your loss though mate. Good luck.
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Old May 23rd, 2008, 05:34   #21
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Originally Posted by WarHawk109 View Post
what's funny about this is that whoever has my PTW isn't going to know WTF to do with it to get it to work...
Course... you don't need a functional PTW to knock over the local Mac's or Short Stop do you?

Anywho, +whatever number it's at now for going door to door in the building, canvas the area, maybe the neighbouring buildings. Someone may have seen a truck or car pull up and park for a time. If there's security cameras on premisis that could help. Put up flyers in the area (minus gun pictures, if anything else was taken...). If someone did see a car or truck parked put the description on the flyer.

Definatly call the cops. Since there's realistic toy guns out there, the cops should definatly get a heads up just in case there's a weapons related robbery in the next few days/weeks.

Hopefully you get lucky and get your stuff back.

On the insurance topic, does anyone have any experiance with apartment insurance? Which companies are helpful/nice/cheap etc.? I've been thinking for a while I should get myself insured, and everytime I see a thread like this I'm reminded all over again.
"War must be, while we defend our lives against a destroyer who would devour all; but I do not love the bright sword for its sharpness, nor the arrow for its swiftness, nor the warrior for his glory. I love only that which they defend: the city of the Men of Numenor, and I would have her loved for her memory, her ancientry, her beauty, and her present wisdom. Not feared, save as men may fear the dignity of a man, old and wise." - J.R.R. Tolkien
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Old May 23rd, 2008, 07:31   #22
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Oh man thats a tough loss, I do hope it all works out in the end.
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Old May 23rd, 2008, 07:52   #23
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Sheesh sorry to hear! Makes me sick to my stomach.

I had my door kicked-down and my stereo system was stolen last year.

Just makes me sick..
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Old May 23rd, 2008, 08:24   #24
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That fucking sucks man... I hate pricks like that with nothing better todo.

"Were not that good... Everybody else just sucks"

Originally Posted by Mongoose View Post
Flaming a guy on his question, no matter how stupid it sounds, is to me not a professional way helping out nor answering the guys question.
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Old May 23rd, 2008, 09:41   #25
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Sorry to hear Ryan, do you live in an apartment or a basement suite? If its an apartment then maybe find out how someone got into the building? Or maybe it was someone in your building? Either way, check with management about seeing the video tape of your front door? I know at my condo we have a camera at every main exit and same with at my old apartment. Its worth a try to maybe catch who may have your stuff.

And not to rub too much salt in the wound, for future reference, rental insurance (content insurance) for an apartment in your area is $20/month.

If you want to play still, we have guns at the field you can use, so your not entirely out of the game. I will lend you my ICS for a game day if you want, and I am sure the rest of the guys would help out someway or form.
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Last edited by jameskersten; May 23rd, 2008 at 09:44..
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Old May 23rd, 2008, 09:47   #26
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Originally Posted by Gunk View Post
Course... you don't need a functional PTW to knock over the local Mac's or Short Stop do you?

Anywho, +whatever number it's at now for going door to door in the building, canvas the area, maybe the neighbouring buildings. Someone may have seen a truck or car pull up and park for a time. If there's security cameras on premisis that could help. Put up flyers in the area (minus gun pictures, if anything else was taken...). If someone did see a car or truck parked put the description on the flyer.

Definatly call the cops. Since there's realistic toy guns out there, the cops should definatly get a heads up just in case there's a weapons related robbery in the next few days/weeks.

Hopefully you get lucky and get your stuff back.

On the insurance topic, does anyone have any experiance with apartment insurance? Which companies are helpful/nice/cheap etc.? I've been thinking for a while I should get myself insured, and everytime I see a thread like this I'm reminded all over again.

I cant speak for your area but my local bank offers content insurance (which in apartment here thats all you need cause the buildings insurance covers everything else and I could care less to insure someone elses stuff) but its $20/month for $35000 coverage. I pay $25/month for my insurance on my condo which covers me up to $100,000.
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Old May 23rd, 2008, 09:59   #27
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Ryan that sux.......big time. As local airsofters lets keep a lookout for a PTW and associated airsoft gear for sale.
My gut feeling is telling me its been stolen by someone who knows what you have.
Were any other apartments broken into or just yours?? Was this random??

As JK has said, between us all we have more than enuff guns and gear to loan out to you when you decide to come out next.

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Old May 23rd, 2008, 10:09   #28
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dude....i'm really sorry to hear that.....i hope the cops can help recover it....if it was someone who knew you, you would be best to tell everyone you know, I did that when i got my 1200's turntables stolen, and sure enough within 2 weeks, one of my friends told me that someone he knew was trying to buy them from someone else,...don't underestimate the power of word of mouth...

best of luck bud
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Old May 23rd, 2008, 10:10   #29
Brian McIlmoyle
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Stuff stolen

Having stuff stolen from you sux..

but there is a lesson here for everyone else. not advertise your collection.. you may think its cool to show off to your on line pals how many cool guns you have.. but this forum is full of strangers and many more people cruise these forums than are registered users. ( no evidence you did this )

2. Proper lock up. store your guns properly in a locked room or in a locked cabinet, or even better in a gun safe. If nothing else don't leave them in plain sight. Most home break ins are smash and grab affairs, they will take what they can get their hands on in 30 seconds and be out the door. If your "sensitive" stuff is in the back of your closet it will still be there after the thieves are gone. This will save you the explainaton to the police as to exactly why it is that crack head theives are now in possession of your assault rifle replicas.

3. leave no obvious sign that there are guns in the house ( piles of mags, parts, whatever ) Store it all properly.

4. Keep a current record in photographic Video or written form of your inventory

5. buy insurance, literally for less than the cost of a Timmies Coffee a day you can have top end comprehensive coverage including third party liability coverage, For the most part you can buy such coverage on line these days.
Do it.

Many people think they can't afford insurance .. or don't see the benefit balanced against the cost. Fact is no one can afford to be without insurance. Buy it, keep it , hope you never need it.
Brian McIlmoyle
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Old May 23rd, 2008, 10:10   #30
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I don't want to sound like a jerk, but when you have $5K worth of guns, a $500 investment in a proper gun safe is not that much money:

At 200+ pounds, being the size it is, and bolted into the wall studs in your closet, any thief is going to have to make a hell of a racket to bust it open and/or move it.

This is a good lesson for all you new players, too: you're expected to treat your airsoft guns like real firearms at the field, so why not treat them like real firearms at home, too? Buy a gun safe, and use trigger locks.
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